Saturday, February 23, 2008

"No Drapes are being measured in her mind's eye..."

Senator Thundercunt's campaign is starting to take on a different tone behind the scenes. She's not saying "when I'm president" anymore, major fund-raisers are distancing themselves from the campaign, and advisers yelling at each other:

...Mrs. Clinton has begun thanking some of her major supporters for helping her run for the Democratic presidential nomination.

“When this is all over, I’m really looking forward to seeing you,” she told one of those supporters by phone the other day.

...Morale is low. After 13 months of dawn-to-dark seven-day weeks, the staff is exhausted. Some have taken to going home early — 9 p.m. — turning off their BlackBerrys, and polishing off bottles of wine, several senior staff members said."

Bill has even been quoted at a rally telling supporters "If she wins Texas and Ohio I think she will be the nominee. If you don't deliver for her, I don't think she can be. It's all on you."

And now she's shouting at Senator Unicorn like a disapproving mother?

I suppose that at some point,after the dust settles, I'll feel sorry for her. For now, she's making it really fucking hard.

via NY Times

Funnies Spazz EVER on TV

The winner of the Price is Right last night.


Another Moment with Betty Butterfield

Ralph Nader Hates Black People, Women, and the Elderly

And to prove it, he's going to run for President again:

The consumer advocate will appear on NBC's "Meet the Press" on Sunday to announce whether he will launch another White House bid. Nader kicked off his 2004 presidential run on the show

...Kevin Zeese, who was Nader's spokesman during the 2004 presidential race, but is no longer working for him, said Friday that Nader has been actively talking to "lots of people on all sorts of levels" about the possibility of making another run.

Zeese said he could only guess what Nader might do, but added: "Obviously, I don't think ("Meet the Press" host) Tim Russert would have him on for no reason."

Instead of traditional campaiging, he will go door to door until he's told every 2 year old in America there is so Santa Clause.

via HuffPost

Weekend Roundup

Bill Clinton is going crazy and yelling at people again.

Charles Barkley is going to kick Pat Robertson's ass.

Juan McCain will never have another black baby if he keeps having sexy time with white ladies.

Senator Unicorn won more states.

Ray Nagin will beat the fuck out of you.

Can we just elect Barry Hussein Messiah so we don't have to listen to this shit anymore?

Look Under Your Bed Before You Go To Sleep

For Ray Nagin.

He is fucking pissed.

He's mad at the newspapers, local news stations, and the interwebs and he's not going to take it anymore.

I suggest you watch this interview. Words can't describe.


Ray: If you go look at some of these blogs out there, and some of the stories that come from the paper, and you read some of these comments its the most vile angry people that I've ever seen.

Anchor: Are you concerned about your safety?

Ray: Well I've got....I've got coverage, you know? And you know, if someone approach me wrong, I'm just going to cold cock 'em. That's just the bottom line.

You come at me with that stu...foolishness if you want, but you going to see a side of Ray Nagin that you hadn't seen.

Ray Nagin. Undoing what Barack Obama has done over a lifetime in just under 10 minutes.

via WLLTV and Wonkette

Science Fair Fun

Elohim bless the intertubes.

This so called series of tubes can be used to sell shitty eBooks, buy Manga porn, and pay your bills all at once.

Or post pictures of creepy kids and their Science Fair projects, thanks to Photo Basement.

What the fuck is a Meniscus and what the fuck are you wearing?:

My favorite:


via Gawker

Shrillary's Lost It

Yet further evidence she's in a tailspin.

Some of my favorite comments on the Youtube page:

"I'm here to tell you"!
Lady, let me tell YOU something: You ain't here to tell me anything, so shut up! Can you imagine this madwoman with her finger on the nuclear trigger?

Oz has come out from behind the curtain and she's just as manipulative and nasty as she's always been reported to be.
And thank goodness she slid in the opportunity to suck-up to Edwards one more time.

Clinton did the same thing in Iowa -- and worse. In the mail and on the radio.

Wow, she seems like she's his mom trying to scold him. This is crap and I hope this isn't what she thinks will bring people to her. I've seen the flyers, they are pretty mild.
The biggest kicker, the flyers have been out for almost a month now but suddenly she gets all unhinged about them?
Someone put a fork in her...

Friday, February 22, 2008

BREAKING NEWS: Michelle Obama Wrote teh Koran

photo via AP

Websites that are bored with Juan McCain's 2nd black baby are now latching on to another pointless story. Dating back to 1985:

Michelle Obama's senior year thesis at Princeton University, obtained exclusively from the campaign by Politico, shows a document written by a young woman grappling with a society in which a black Princeton alumnus might only be allowed to remain "on the periphery."

..."My experiences at Princeton have made me far more aware of my 'blackness' than ever before," the future Mrs. Obama wrote in her thesis introduction. "I have found that at Princeton, no matter how liberal and open-minded some of my white professors and classmates try to be toward me, I sometimes feel like a visitor on campus; as if I really don't belong. Regardless of the circumstances underwhich I interact with whites at Princeton, it often seems as if, to them, I will always be black first and a student second."

So, you see? Michelle Obama is BLACK. Get it? She's BLACK BLACK BLACK.

Jesus Fucking Christ. You'd think that America would be happy to have a First Lady that could actually write, as opposed to a First Lady who spent an entire career categorizing things that people write.

You can view the PDF version of the thesis here. It's seriously really good reading.

via Politico

Not a Good Idea

Yesterday, Obama's security detail stopped screening people for weapons an hour before a rally in Dallas. They took down metal detectors, and stopped checking purses and laptop bags:

Dallas Deputy Police Chief T.W. Lawrence, head of the Police Department's homeland security and special operations divisions, said the order -- apparently made by the U.S. Secret Service -- was meant to speed up the long lines outside and fill the arena's vacant seats before Obama came on.

"Sure," said Lawrence, when asked if he was concerned by the great number of people who had gotten into the building without being checked. But, he added, the turnout of more than 17,000 people seemed to be a "friendly crowd."

Worst. Halfass. Excuse. Ever.

Get it together, guys.

via Star-Telegram

Soap Operas Just Not Gay Enough

Fans of As the World Turns think so. They say that the show treats the affection of hetero couples on the show differently than sodomites Luke and Noah:

...And the last straw apparently arrived on Valentine's Day, when every other couple but Nuke shared a kiss. They hugged instead. Online fans began a nationwide media blitz on Feb. 20 to bring attention to the show, which has been twice nominated for an award from the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD). 'Presenting a gay couple on television only to relegate them to insulting hugs and slaps on the back is the 21st century version of putting African Americans on the back of the bus,' wrote one disgruntled fan named Tony. 'We're simply supposed to be happy that we got the ride at all. This is 2008, and yet CBS and Procter & Gamble are clearly stuck in the past.' GLAAD media spokesman Damon Romine agreed with them that, 'while tremendous strides have been made on soaps, it's clear that we're not at a place where gay and transgender people are treated the same on daytime as they are on prime-time or cable.'"

They even have a Soap Operas Need More of Teh Gayz Seks website.

Next on the agenda: Making sure that there is atleast one punchfucking game per week on the Price is Right.

via Towleroad

Getting Laid by Groupies or Pat on the Back by Jeebus?

CBN blogger Belinda Elliott went to one of those "rock and roll" concert meetings and had an unusual experience. She usually tries to keep her outings to Christian music concerts, but this time she took a chance and went to an unnamed secular concert. And guess Who showed up?

It was interesting to look around and see an arena full of people singing along and cheering. Between songs, the applause and screams for the lead singer and his entourage were so loud he could hardly talk over them.

How cool that must be, I found myself thinking.

I can’t imagine having that many people cheering so enthusiastically for you, not to mention being willing to pay money just to see you.

That’s when that still small voice spoke to me. He spoke with a whisper, but I heard Him loud and clear over the roar of the crowd.

They have already received their reward in full.

Ouch! That will surely make you reconsider the allure of fortune and fame.

Mehhhhh, not really. But keep going:

Then I thought back to the numerous Christian concerts I have attended. On the surface, they looked nearly identical to the rock show that I was enjoying: loud music, multi-colored strobe lights, an energetic band, and people waving their arms and singing along.

But the two are very different. In one case, the musicians were performing to glorify themselves. In the other one, the artists were there to bring glory to God.

And sell tickets, schwag, and CD's.

via CBN

I'm Going To Miss That Man

I love to see President W dance. For reals.

Sure we could dwell on all the wars, Jeebus-based initiatives, and the economies. I for one will choose to remember W as that corny old uncle who gets trashed at weddings and makes an ass out of himself on the dance floor.

That's a fucking legacy.

Dem Debate Highlights

Way way boring.

They talked about that place we keep forgetting about:

Here, they talk about Barack being a big ol' word stealer. Hillary uses a really stupid line, something about "change you can xerox." Then she talked about the youtubes. Didn't go over that well.

Near the end, of course we had to talk about Bubba fucking that fat girl. Why is this always brought up?

Anyways, later she says that she doesn't hate black people that much and didn't mind sitting by Barack tonight or something.

Oh yeh, Hillary stole lines from Millboy and Bubba, but we should all know that black people steal stuff more often. When it's a white person, it's borrowing:

Pointless Video of the Day

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Serbs Hate Juan McCain's Black Baby


Protesters broke into the U.S. embassy in Belgrade on Thursday and set fires, cheered on by crowds outside rallying against U.S. support for Kosovo's independence.

Masked attackers broke into the U.S. compound, which has been closed this week, and tried to throw furniture from an office. They set fire to the office and flames shot up the side of the building. Fire trucks arrived after the rioters had fled and swiftly put out the fire.


There is a God

Akira is being made in to a live action movie.

If you haven't seen the 1988 animated version, rush and rent it tonight:

The live action movie is supposed to be all Matrix-y and shit.

Nerd stuff, yeh.

But better than talking about black babies, right?

via io9

SNL's Obama

Rumors have been flying over who will portray Barack on Saturday Night Live this year. SNL may have found their man:

Seldom is the buzz so damn loud. Word in the community is that Donald Glover from the NY sketch comedy group Derrick will be joining SNL to fill the gap that Obama's political presence has created. The initial reports were scooped from the LA Times forum, put forth by the moderator. I'm not going to lie. I witnessed Glover's Obama impression at a late night Derrick show two months back and it's fantastic.
But the rumors don't end there. According to the Chicago Sun-Times, he will debut THIS weekend. Yes. That's right.

via Comedy Central Insider

Today's Hilltard Video

It's Been a While

Here's a paultard video. This paultard is really pissed. And he screams alot.

Horray for Dr. Congressman L. Ron Paultard! Only he can save Middle-earth.

BREAKING NEWS: Frat Boys are Drunk Assholes

Members of a Delta Chi latte fraternity in Colorado trashed a Super 8 motel room, resulting in the arrest of 9 underage members and the suspension of the chaper:

...police found strewn with broken furniture and splattered with blood and vomit. Oh, and there was the matter of a coffee pot that had somehow been filled with urine. The young University of Colorado arrestees--seen in the Larimer County Sheriff's Office mug shots on the following pages--ransacked a pair of Super 8 rooms, causing more than $1,000 in damages, according to Estes Park cops, who confronted the students at about 2:30 AM Sunday morning. The freshmen pledges were dropped off at the motel by "older fraternity members and told to get to know each other,"...

via The Smoking Gun

Bill O'Reilly: Bigtime Douchebag

From Media Matters:

In a discussion of recent comments made by Michelle Obama, Bill O'Reilly took a call from a listener who stated that, according to "a friend who had knowledge of her," Obama " 'is a very angry,' her word was 'militant woman.' " O'Reilly later stated: "I don't want to go on a lynching party against Michelle Obama unless there's evidence, hard facts, that say this is how the woman really feels. If that's how she really feels -- that America is a bad country or a flawed nation, whatever -- then that's legit. We'll track it down."

About That Black Baby

It's not a black baby.

As referred to last night, the NY Times claims that former aids to WALNUTS! have insinuated the existance of a tryst between the elderly gent and a lobbyist named Vicki Iseman. The Times also claims Iseman received favors from McCain and committee he chaired.

WALNUTS! responds this morning:

We'll see how long this story lasts. Go to any major news site and it's their screaming headline. Kinda sad. :(

brickbat will try and leave it at this, but will def keep making cheap jokes until a better scandal comes along.

via Washington Post

Questions About Falling Radioactive Material? FEMA Has Answers.

The Navy successfully shot down Darth Cheney's Death Star. So now what?

FEMA has a handy guide for first responders that should've been titled What to Expect When You're Expecting to Catch Space Cancer from Spy Satellites. And it's pretty fucking scary:

The guide also suggests that you "Always stay away from tanks engulfed in fire."

Thanks, FEMA!

via FEMA First Responder Guide for Space Object Re-Entry and Wonkette

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Juan McCain's New Black Baby


We'll discuss tomorrow.

via blahblahblackbabyblah

brickbat Undorses Danny, Endorses Jason Castro

So what? To err is human.

Danny acted like a little bitch last night.

David gives us a toothache.

Jason Castro brought it.

Movies at Ex-Gay Programs are Pretty Fucking Gay

Peterson Toscano, who spent years at a gulag ex-gay program ran by Love In Action, describes how the best man on man porn is actually handed out by fundies.

Keep up God's work, mouth breathers.

via Towleroad / Youtube

Teamsters Strap Cement Shoes to Hillary's Feet

Barack will win the endorsement of the Teamsters. Announcement will come later today.

Obama met with President James Hoffa, son of Jimmy Hoffa, early today.

via AP

Today's Godtube Moment: Ruining a Song I Like

Entitled "The Devil has us in a HEADLOCK", this video looks like some shitty art project filmed in 9/11. Something to do with puppets, flames, and christian teens drinking beer.

Fundies Win Yet Again

Marti Coley, with the help of black magic and Baby Jeebus on her side, succeeded in her quest to insert the word "theory" in Florida's new science standards:

Florida’s current standards require teaching evolution using code words like “change over time.” This is the first time the word “evolution” has been included.

The board narrowly passed the change Tuesday, voting 4-3 after more than an hour of public comment and additional discussion by the board.

The proposal to include “scientific theory” was made late last week. State Rep. Marti Coley, R-Marianna, was one opponent who requested that the board vote to “refer to evolution as a theory.”

Though she received a handful of negative e-mails, Coley said there was overwhelming support from her legislative district to make the addition.

She said it allows students to get “up-to-date scientific information” while discussing other options.

So, thanks Marti Coley (who can be contacted here) for saving us from Satanism!

Next on the agenda: replacing the word AIDS with "gay cancer" and probably replacing school nurses with bottles of leeches.

Marti Coley: Dumbing down Florida students since 2008.

via NWF Daily News

Pat Robertson: Narc

Baby Jeebus' BFF Pat Robertson totally narcs out one of his producers on the 700 Club.

Obama Elected Tiki God of Hawaii

Barry Hussein won Hawaii 76% - 24% with 100% of precincts reporting.

These twin wins prompted the AP to characterize Clinton's campaign as "fading."

Is this the beginning of the end for Thundercunt?

via ABC and AP

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

W Plagiarizes Black Sheriff

From HuffPo:

On the front page of Tuesday's Washington Post was an article detailing how in late January U.S. forces, acting with autonomy inside Pakistan, were able to target and kill Abu Laith al-Libi, a senior al-Qaeda commander.

The strike, which came without the Pakistani government's knowledge and helped eliminate an individual who had long eluded the spy-agency's capture, was an obvious boon in the War on Terror. But the political implications of the operation were just as fascinating.

In August, Sen. Barack Obama had made the argument that, as president, he would target Al Qaeda officials in Pakistan even without the country's acquiescence -- the type of attack that, six months later, proved to be successful.

At the time, Obama was roundly criticized for his remarks, both by his Democratic competitors for the White House and by the Bush administration.

"We think that our approach to Pakistan is not only one that respects the sovereignty of Pakistan, but also is designed so that we are working in cooperation," said then-Press Secretary Tony Snow.

And just one week ago, President Bush himself lambasted Obama's approach to foreign affairs.

"I certainly don't know what he believes in," Bush said on February 10, about Obama. "The only foreign policy thing I remember he said was he's going to attack Pakistan and embrace Ahmadinejad."

And what was Thundercunt's response to Obama's statement last year?

Oh, yeh.

via HuffPo

Oh Snap!

Hillary was giving a speech shit....Youngstown, OH. CNN was carrying the feed, then switched to to a speech by Obama.

Thundercunt got the bigfoot.

Tune in.

Balack Obrownman Plagiarizes Wisconsin Win

Barry Hussein has stolen Deval Patrick's win in Wisconsin.

See? If you believe in unicorns, miracles can happen!

via CNN

What Do Cindy McCain and brickbat Have In Common?

We've both had a facelift.


WALNUTS! has won Wisconsin and all 37 beers delegates!!!

He made some speech about experience, more wars, and that black Hawaiin kid getting the hell off his lawn.

Hooray for the elderly!!!

via CNN

Today's Hilltard Video

OMG. I think I just went deaf.

Tim Gunn Hates America

Tim Gunn was on Conan last night ripping W and Thundercunt for their fashion. Skip to about the 4:30 for the money.

Carry on.

Brave Man Tells of Ron Paul Tryst


BREAKING NEWS: Hillbillies Don't Like Barry Hussein

A couple of guys decided to go to Lynchburg, Tennessee to talk to some nice Christian folk about what they think of Barack Hussen bin Laden Stalin Obama.

Guess what? They don't like him.

Their message: If Mr. Hussein in elected, Baby Jeebus will cry. This will cause God to bring his wrath down upon 'merica and kill every first-born gay, Messican, emo, Unitarian, or liberal baby.

via BraveNewFilms

Grumpy Old Men

Yesterday, the elderly Juan McCain was endorsed by his future nursing home roommate George H W Bush, with life partner Mr. Barbara Bush at his side.

The press event went well until the former president spewed metamucil on WALNUTS!, causing all three to slip and break their hips.

Wisconsin, Washington, and Hawaii

150 delegates are up for grabs today.

94 for Thundercunt and Barry Hussein to fight over.

56 for Juan McCain to clinch the GOP nom and start handing out free abortions for gay Messicans.

Check later this evening for results.

via CNN


Fidel Castro has resigned as Cuba's president:

The end of Castro's rule - the longest in the world for a head of government - frees his 76-year-old brother Raul to implement reforms he has hinted at since taking over as acting president when Fidel Castro fell ill in July 2006. President Bush said he hopes the resignation signals the beginning of a democratic transition.

"My wishes have always been to discharge my duties to my last breath," Castro wrote in a letter published Tuesday in the online edition of the Communist Party daily Granma. But, he wrote, "it would be a betrayal to my conscience to accept a responsibility requiring more mobility and dedication than I am physically able to offer."


via AP

Commander in Thief

Just when you thought that the superdelegates would be the biggest headache of this election cycle, there's a new twist. Thundercunt has her eyes set on pledged delegates as well:

What? Isn’t that impossible? A pledged delegate is pledged to a particular candidate and cannot switch, right?


Pledged delegates are not really pledged at all, not even on the first ballot. This has been an open secret in the party for years, but it has never really mattered because there has almost always been a clear victor by the time the convention convened.

But not this time. This time, one candidate may enter the convention leading by just a few pledged delegates, and those delegates may find themselves being promised the sun, moon and stars to switch sides.

“I swear it is not happening now, but as we get closer to the convention, if it is a stalemate, everybody will be going after everybody’s delegates,” a senior Clinton official told me Monday afternoon. “All the rules will be going out the window.”


via Politico

Monday, February 18, 2008

Keepin' it Realz: George Washington

via Wonkette

Happy President's Day

Sleep Waking

From Slashdot:

Fernando Orellana and Brendan Burns have collaborated on a new art work which investigates one of the possible human-robot relationships.

Using recorded brainwave activity and eye movements during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep to determine robot behaviors and head positions, "Sleep Waking" acts as a way to "play-back" dreams.

via Slashdot

Hillz Says Barry Hussein is Plagiarist

Now that Thundercunt sees the election slipping away, she has taken on the role of room moniter. From The Swamp:

Sen. Hillary Clinton's campaign wants everyone to see a campaign speech made in 2006 by Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick just before he won that office and a recent speech by Sen. Barack Obama.

In his speech Patrick responded to the charge by his opponent that he was a fine speaker capable of tossing off inspirational words but not a politician with results. All words, no action.

Patrick responded by uttering some of the most famous words of American history: "We hold these truths to be self-evident" and "We have a dream" and saying, repeatedly, they were "just words" too. A very effective comeback.

Wow, I bet that Deval guy is pretty pissed...............

In a telephone interview on Sunday, Mr. Patrick said that he and Mr. Obama first talked about the attacks from their respective rivals last summer, when Mrs. Clinton was raising questions about Mr. Obama’s experience, and that they discussed them again last week.

Both men had anticipated that Mr. Obama’s rhetorical strength would provide a point of criticism. Mr. Patrick said he told Mr. Obama that he should respond to the criticism, and he shared language from his campaign with Mr. Obama’s speechwriters.

Mr. Patrick said he did not believe Mr. Obama should give him credit.

“Who knows who I am? The point is more important than whose argument it is,” said Mr. Patrick, who telephoned The New York Times at the request of the Obama campaign. “It’s a transcendent argument.”

See, he was sampling. You know, like Kanye.

Try again, Thundercunt.

via The Swamp

Future Governor of Alabama is Badass

The Pride of Fort Walton Beach

Local Billy Curlee represented our fair shire on the new season of America's Got Talent:

Curlee added singing to his repertoire about seven years ago. He likes to emulate Elvis Presley and Tom Jones.

“Both judges were singing with me and gave me a thumbs up,” Curlee said.

They even asked Curlee and Glasgow to shoot several interviews and a commercial for the upcoming season of the show.

“They zeroed in on us,” Glasgow said. “It was awesome.”

“I think my rendition of ‘Delilah’ is really what wooed the judges,” Curlee said.

“They said, ‘Oh my God. Where did you learn your dance moves?’ ”

Where did he learn those dance moves? My guess would be the Emerald Coast Center for Epileptic Parkinson's Studies.

via NWF Daily News

Westland Hallmark Meat Company Hates Your Children

Just Words

CBS Evening News Tries to Court Toddlers

Here's Katie Couric and friends trying to explain superdelegates with shitty cartoon-like illustrations, with even shittier Tim Burton-esque music playing in the background.

The cartoon shows a wizard controlling the electoral process, proving that Democrats are heathen Satanists.

Neil Patrick Harris is Funnier Than I Thought

Here's a clip from Conan, where teh gay talks about his character "The Shoe Fairy" on Sesame Street.


via Gawker

No You Can't

Cheney debates Obama.

Maybe You Should Sell eBooks

photo via AP

In a really creepy twist on the latest school shootings, it turns out that the Northern Illinois University killer bought products from the same online company as the Virginia Tech killer from April of last year:

The online gun dealer who sold a weapon to the Virginia Tech shooter said it was an unnerving coincidence that he also sold handgun accessories to the man who killed five students at Northern Illinois University.

Eric Thompson said his Web site, , sold two empty 9 mm Glock magazines and a Glock holster to Steven Kazmierczak on Feb. 4, just 10 days before the 27-year-old opened fire in a classroom and killed five before committing suicide.

Another Web site run by Thompson's company, , also sold a Walther .22-caliber handgun to Seung-Hui Cho, who killed 32 people in April on the Virginia Tech campus before killing himself.

"I'm still blown away by the coincidences," Thompson said Friday. "I'm shaking. I can't believe somebody would order from us again and do this."

It might not be a good idea to use the term blown away, douche.

via HuffPost

Huggin' It Out

Barry Hussein and Millboy finally had their dinner date. Barry had gotten cold feet but it seems like he finally picked out the perfect outfit, spritzed on his best cologne, and went down to meet Edwards at this 28,200-square-foot bathhouse mansion:

Officials at North Carolina television station WTVD said they have video taken from a helicopter of Obama leaving Edwards' home in Chapel Hill. A producer said the station was "tipped off" about the meeting, but said the source was confidential.

The Obama campaign confirmed the meeting. Although reporters normally travel everywhere with Obama, he left them behind to fly down in secret from his hometown.

"Senator Obama visited this morning with John and Elizabeth Edwards at their home in Chapel Hill to discuss the state of the campaign and the pressing issues facing American families," said Obama spokesman Bill Burton. He wouldn't comment on the possibility of an endorsement.

via Breitbart

And Bill was like "OH NO YOU DIDN'T"....

Yesterday was a bad day for Former President/Future First Lady Bubba. First, he was heckeled by pro-lifers at a rally:

Then, at a seperate rally, the Ametuer Gynecologist was heckled by an Obama supporter:

Robert Holeman came to Timken High School here today with a message to deliver to Bill Clinton. He did -- and he said the former president wasn’t happy about it.

Clinton spoke to a capacity crowd in this Northeast Ohio town, the third of five events today in the Buckeye State. He told voters that the contest was “the power of speeches against the promise of solutions by a world-class change maker.”

Throughout the event, as Clinton made his case for his wife, Holeman’s dissenting voice could be heard. At times he simply shouted Obama’s name. When Clinton would set up a sure applause line, Holeman could be heard heckling. As soon as Clinton finished speaking, the Canton native made a beeline to the ropeline to give Clinton a piece of his mind.

“I asked the president to please stop the bickering between the campaigns,” Holeman said in an interview afterwards. “All this name calling is like the bully in the yard. He can’t get his way, he can’t get nothing done.” Holeman said he thought Clinton was “gasping for air.”

Here's a little bit of the video. Holman claims that Bill "popped" him in the face.

This should come as no surprise. Remember this from 1992?

Stay classy, Clintons.