Saturday, June 14, 2008

Damn The Man

Posts will be spotty non-existant today. Something called a "wedding" is happening today. From what I've heard, it's something that straight people like to do when they hate each other and just want some fucking presents.

I'm sure this will turn in to a clusterfuck, seeings how it's raining all day and this is one of those fancy outdoor weddings. If I get bored (which will happen) maybe I will liveblog the abomonation and we'll all laugh at someone else's misery.

Until then, go read some stuff about Tim Russert and have a good cry while listening to Candle in the Wind.

Better yet, just Google "Ron Paul" and laugh at his stupid face.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Take The Quiz

Here at Radar.

brickbat To Hilltards: STFU


There's no need for this.

Get the fuck over it.

Just Go Read This

Jesus' General

For Sale

Lesley Blume has a great piece over at Slate about the European invasion in the NY real estate market:

...But six months later, the joke is wearing thin. Despite some rah-rah rallying this week in response to a pep talk from Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke, the dollar has fallen 11.5 percent against the euro and 7.2 percent versus the yen since September 2007, and it continues to limp along.

So the European conquest proceeds. Realtors partially credit the strength of the Manhattan residential real estate market to foreign investment. Jim Gricar, executive vice president and director of sales at Brown Harris Stevens, estimates that such purchases may have spiked 15 percent recently (others have placed the estimate as high as 25 percent). In the ultimate gesture of pragmatism, some American women are reportedly paying as much as $6,000 a year for membership to dating services that introduce them to British men.

Chris Dodd Stole Your Subprime Trailer

Your life sucks.

Not only were you not invited to the elite Buildabear Workshopconference, but you aren't even a member of Countrywide's VIP program, are you?

Chris Dodd is, and people are mad because he got a good deal on his mortgage.

This is a story now.

Pay attention, because fatcats like Chris Dodd are the reason why gas is $4 a gallon and he probably peed on your pool, too.

Sen. Silverfox denies all of this:

“As a United States senator, I would never ask or expect to be treated differently than anyone else refinancing their home,” said Dodd, who as chairman of the Senate Banking Committee oversees the home loan industry. “This suggestion is outrageous and contrary to my entire career in public service.”

That of course is bullshit and it's a shame this will ruin his inevitability in the 2012 election.

GOP Cutting Losses In JUNE

Not a good sign for Republicans:

At yesterday's Christian Science Monitor forum -- the same venue where he upgraded the GOP's goal to a potential three-seat loss -- NRSC chairman John Ensign was asked point-blank if the party was giving up on the open seats they currently hold in Virginia and New Mexico, where the Democratic nominees are way ahead of the Republicans in current polling.

Ensign said bluntly: "You don't waste money on races that don't need it or you can't win."

via TPM

$8.5 Mil + $1.26 Mil For Renovations Well Spent

From Gizmodo:

Eric Clough isn't your typical architectural designer. Sure, he'll design you a fine den or kitchen, but he's clearly got a creative streak that goes much deeper than that. That's why, when given the opportunity, he secretly built an incredible scavenger hunt into a $8.5-million, 4,200-square-foot Park Avenue apartment that included ciphers, riddles, poems and a lot of hidden doors and compartments.

...In any case, the finale involved, in part, removing decorative door knockers from two hallway panels, which fit together to make a crank, which in turn opened hidden panels in a credenza in the dining room, which displayed multiple keys and keyholes, which, when the correct ones were used, yielded drawers containing acrylic letters and a table-size cloth imprinted with the beginnings of a crossword puzzle, the answers to which led to one of the rectangular panels lining the tiny den, which concealed a chamfered magnetic cube, which could be used to open the 24 remaining panels, revealing, in large type, the poem written by Mr. Klinsky.

...How amazing is that? It took the family months to discover the scavenger hunt and weeks after that to figure it all out. It's like the live in a children's book of some kind.

BREAKING NEWS: Noone Wants To Fuck Perez Hilton

No shit.

From Gawker:

The Los Angeles Times interviewed internet gossip belcher Perez Hilton for the "How I Made It" feature in its business section. The newspaper does its best to puff Hilton up, saying he charges "up to" $54,000 for a one-day ad package and noting he once wrote for Star magazine — without mentioning that Hilton was fired from that same job, per the LA Times' own reporting. The not-so-subtle message to readers: If this guy in bunny slippers can make $50k per day off his crayon-illustrated website, why is the recession kicking your ass? That's OK, since Hilton takes himself down a peg, by talking about his sex life:

What fame hasn't brought: Hilton dishes that "in 2007, I got laid once. One time. Which, for a gay man, is unheard of. That's like, celibate."

How sad and cringe-inducing. But maybe Perez just got way too picky after his 2006 makeout session with John Mayer. He had at least one really, really desperate groupie sending him a sex tape and everything! Now is no time to start holding yourself to "standards" or whatever, Perez.

One Reason To Heart Russert: He Hated Martin Luther Ron Paul Too


Tim Russert died at work today. He was 58.

For the past several years, I've never missed an episode of MTP. Sundays always consisted of me, coffee, a quiet living room, and listening to Russert nail whomever was across the desk from him.

Sunday mornings are always my favorite part of the week.

Someone's got some big shoes to fill.

No snark here. I'm gonna miss you, Tim.

Stupid Ron Paul Has New Stupid Idea

Here is your Dr. Congressman L. Ron Paultard giving his latest loser speech.

Since he sucks so bad at running for POTUS, he's starting a new useless online Freedom™ thing that will keep Paultards busy until The Hobbit movie comes out in 2011.

Barack Obama Is Destroying America, One Relationship At A Time

From Shenanigans:

Keller, a 27-year-old health care consultant who is backing Obama, told us Wednesday that she had been dating a guy — whom we’ll refer to as Nameless Philly Guy because she declined to name him — for about six months when they suddenly broke up. He said that he was “all wrapped up in the campaign.” And he’s not a campaign staffer. Nor does he live in D.C. Nor does he work in politics — he’s a health care consultant, too. (For now, let’s just ignore the politics of two health care consultants backing Obama.)

“I’m your average girl who likes Us Weekly,” Keller said. “And I read the headlines in The New York Times, sure, but I’m not as in-depth as that. And so there were times when he wanted to go canvass Ohio and I wanted to just hang out with my friends.”

And when they broke up? “I kept thinking, ‘I got dumped for Obama.’ I can’t believe my relationship ended because he was involved with the campaign.”

Obama The Lightworker

You may have heard that Sen. Unicorn is The Messiah, but did you know that he is also a Lightworker who can heal the planet?

From SF Gate:

Here's where it gets gooey. Many spiritually advanced people I know (not coweringly religious, mind you, but deeply spiritual) identify Obama as a Lightworker, that rare kind of attuned being who has the ability to lead us not merely to new foreign policies or health care plans or whatnot, but who can actually help usher in a new way of being on the planet, of relating and connecting and engaging with this bizarre earthly experiment. These kinds of people actually help us evolve. They are philosophers and peacemakers of a very high order, and they speak not just to reason or emotion, but to the soul.

Larry Sinclair's New Video

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Thursday, June 12, 2008

Hitchens On The Clintons

From HuffPo:

"The ex-president revealed to a crucial number of people something that many of us already knew: he is a raging psycho," said the Vanity Fair writer. "It's very gratifying to see more people catching up to that now."

Explaining that Sen. Clinton's loss was due in large part to her husband's behavior on the trail, Hitchens, a troublesome grin appearing on his face, concluded: "That pleases me more than I can say. In fact, I think I might orgasm in my trousers."

McCain's Womens' Clinic Is Out Of Toner

When President Juan "WALNUTS!" McCain is elected, he will open his own womens' clinic, headed by Vicki Iseman.

And no, you may not eat babies there.

via BraveNewFilms

Today's Godtube Moment

Exclusive footage of Bobby Jindal's date rape exorcism.


McCain Condoms

Here It Is. Now STFU.

Markos, who is an ex-CIA Buildabear Illuminati, got a copy of St. Barack's Muslim birth certificate.

Yes, he was born in the U.S.

via Kos

Katie Couric's Special Lady Parts Feel Sorry For Thundercunt

Bobby Jindal: Demon Warrior

Before Louisiana Governer Bobby Jindal was a candidate for life partner to Juan McCain's 100 Year Crusade Against Gay Messican Abortions™, he was a young bright-eyed college student who spent his spare time casting demons out of his friends.

In a 1994 essay he wrote for the New Oxford Review, Jindal describes an encounter with his friend Susan. She had the cancers and started acting wierd and smelling really bad. One night at a prayer meeting, Susan collapsed and had a seizure.....sooooo.....yeh, it was time for a exorcism:

The students, led by Susan's sister and Louise, a member of a charismatic church, engaged in loud and desperate prayers while holding Susan with one hand. Kneeling on the ground, my friends were chanting, "Satan, I command you to leave this woman." Others exhorted all "demons to leave in the name of Christ." It is no exaggeration to note the tears and sweat among those assembled. Susan lashed out at the assembled students with verbal assaults.

...Whenever I concentrated long enough to begin prayer, I felt some type of physical force distracting me. It was as if something was pushing down on my chest, making it very hard for me to breathe. . . Though I could find no cause for my chest pains, I was very scared of what was happening to me and Susan. I began to think that the demon would only attack me if I tried to pray or fight back; thus, I resigned myself to leaving it alone in an attempt to find peace for myself.

After a few hours, the girl tried to get up and escape, but her friends date raped pinned her back down to the floor and continued the Good Baby Jeebus' work:

Maybe she sensed our weariness; whether by plan or coincidence, Susan chose the perfect opportunity to attempt an escape. She suddenly leapt up and ran for the door, despite the many hands holding her down. This burst of action served to revive the tired group of students and they soon had her restrained once again, this time half kneeling and half standing.

After this didn't work, they tried to get a help from a preacher. He refused, because he realized that they were batshit fucking crazy. Then this:

It appeared as if we were observing a tremendous battle between the Susan we knew and loved and some strange evil force. But the momentum had shifted and we now sensed that victory was at hand.
While Alice and Louise held Susan, her sister continued holding the Bible to her face. Almost taunting the evil spirit that had almost beaten us minutes before, the students dared Susan to read biblical passages. She choked on certain passages and could not finish the sentence "Jesus is Lord." Over and over, she repeated "Jesus is L..L..LL," often ending in profanities. In between her futile attempts, Susan pleaded with us to continue trying and often smiled between the grimaces that accompanied her readings of Scripture. Just as suddenly as she went into the trance, Susan suddenly reappeared and claimed "Jesus is Lord."

With an almost comical smile, Susan then looked up as if awakening from a deep sleep and asked, "Has something happened?" She did not remember any of the past few hours and was startled to find her friends breaking out in cheers and laughter, overwhelmed by sudden joy and relief.

So, there you go. And you thought Dick Cheney was creepy.

via TPM

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Not That Important

Someone forgot to take his meds.

Today's Paultard Video

The tiny hobbit delivers once again with a rant about soldiers, Zionists, Middle Easterns, the Vatican, British Royals, and the Build-A-Bear workshop.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Winner Of Britain's Got Talent

14yo George Sampson. You can see his audition here.

via Towleroad

700 Club Says Black People Are Evil Or Something

All The Political Insight You Ever Needed

Meet this guy. He is a political junkie, which means he smokes crack while jacking off to Keith Olbermann's special comment.

See how far you can make it into the video without wanting to punch him in the throat. I made it to about the 30 second mark.

Hilarious Anti-Obama Video

Here's a musical tribute to B.A. Barackus and all his terrorist criminal friends.

And to think someone spent several hours making this.

Dear Hillary And Bill

What Really Happened At The Secret Hillbama Meeting

Secrets revealed here.

John Gibson: Giant Douche

From Media Matters:

On the June 6 edition of his Fox News Radio show, John Gibson said to a caller who spoke favorably of Sen. Barack Obama: "You don't know what Barack Obama stands for. You just like him because he's -- he's -- he's like you and you want to see one of you up there, and you don't care what he stands for." The caller responded: "[H]e's not one of me. ... He's not one of me just because he's a black guy or something like that. That doesn't make him one of me. He's standing for him, not me."

Monday, June 9, 2008

Candidates Send Messages To Bitter Shut-ins

It's never too early to start pandering, so Hopey and McNasty sent nice video messages to the 18 million women bitters who love watching that channel with all the cheating and date rape movies.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Jabba The Penn Blames Loss On Clintons Being Hobos

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh. So all she needed was a cashfan.

From NY Times:

While everyone loves to talk about the message, campaigns are equally about money and organization. Having raised more than $100 million in 2007, the Clinton campaign found itself without adequate money at the beginning of 2008, and without organizations in a lot of states as a result. Given her successes in high-turnout primary elections and defeats in low-turnout caucuses, that simple fact may just have had a lot more to do with who won than anyone imagines.

Keep An Eye On Cooper

Top 3 for sure.

BREAKING NEWS: Amy Winehouse Does Drugs And Says Stupid Shit

From News of the World:

In a sequence shot around May 2007—weeks after the couple eloped to wed in Miami—they are in a dingy crack den with Delboy-style bamboo patterned wallpaper.

Amy, 24, and a pal called Sarah giggle as they sing a string of racist lines set to the tune of kiddies' favourite ‘Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes'.

Blake pretends NOT to record the unfolding events and eggs them on, saying: "Can we have a singsong of it?"

Sarah is at first reluctant but soon warms to the action as Amy enthusiastically sings:

"Blacks, Pakis, Gooks and Nips, Gooks and Nips!

"And deaf and dumb and blind and gay!"

She repeats the first line over again and on the word "Nips" Amy pulls her eyes into slits then pushes her boobs up in a gesture to her nipples.

The girls' efforts are greeted warmly by Blake, who pledges: "Well done. I promise I wasn't recording it."

Stealth Crash Caught On Tape

This is the first B-2 Stealth crash the government has released. Luckily, noone was hurt.

via Gawker

No Shit