Saturday, May 17, 2008
Weekend Roundup
Bill Clinton throws his legacy under the bus.
Some crazy old geezer who is not John McCain wants gay kids to install bathhouses in high schools.
Some other crazy old geezer is bananas for Sen. Unicorn.
David Davis is a douchebag, but....a douchebag that lost in court.
Thundercunt and her army of bitter Aryans won WV, but St. Barack won the Millboy endorsement. Plus, he got to look all presidenty.
Hardball delivered. Twice.
Michelle Obama threw America under the bus.
Two down. 48 to go.
Jim Webb is sooooooo gonna kick Mittens' ass.
Another Moment With Betty Butterfield
Beware of Robert Tilton.
Betty Butterfield,
drag queens,
funny shit,
Trolling For Paultards
Hahahahahahaha. Stupid Paultards.
The comments on this page are fucking glorious:
You might as well be burning the American flag cause Ron Paul is the only candidate who respects it.
I guess he wants "status quo" to continue. Now that's what I call insane.
someone stole my ron paul signs out of my front yard..... YOU ASS.
Great dumb faggot.
Nirvana, that explains why you are such a fascist dumbass.
"Opposition is my manner."
Diogenes of Sinope
u might as well burn ur money!!!!!!
Hahahahaha! Go down with your freaking economy, dumbass!
I hope you get cancer from that smoke inhalation. Moron
L. Ron Paultard,
Ron Paul,
the Youtubes
Scariest Site On The Intertubes
Besides Ron Paul Forum.
Montana Meth Project will sketch you the fuck out:
The Project's print advertising, featured in high school newspapers and on billboards across Montana, reveal the severe physical and psychological impacts associated with Meth use. Our newest campaign shows the devastating impact Meth has on the friends and family of Meth users.
They're on the Youtubes.
And I stopped eating my pizza.
Guess That Settles That
Huck sends his apologies to Sen. Unicorn for that shitty "joke":
"During my speech at the N.R.A., a loud noise backstage, that sounded like a chair falling, distracted the crowd and interrupted my speech. I made an off hand remark that was in no way intended to offend or disparage Sen. Obama.
I apologize that my comments were offensive. That was never my intention.”
Sen. Unicorn,
tar baby,
teh Huckabeez
"My one hope and dream in the military was to go to college"
John McCain's free ride is over:
Kristofer Goldsmith testified before the Congressional Progressive Caucus:
"I was stop-lossed. My one hope and dream in the military was to go to college after I went through Iraq. I attempted suicide. I never deployed a second time. Because of that I received a general discharge. I lost my college benefits, the $40,000 promised to me in the Montgomery GI Bill, I will not be eligible to receive. And currently there is a Senator in Congress currently running for president, who is fighting to kill our Webb GI bill. And I’m one of the soldiers who will never get that money."
Why won't John McCain support our vets like Goldsmith and sign Jim Webb's bi-partisan GI Bill?
via BraveNewFilms
Elderly McWALNUTS! Forgets A Lot Of Stuff
Great piece from Old Man McCain:
Look at what John McCain, Mr. Foreign Policy Experience, said today while agreeing with Bush's repulsive remarks in Israel:
“Yes, there have been appeasers in the past, and the president is exactly right, and one of them is Neville Chamberlain,'’ Mr. McCain told reporters on his campaign bus after a speech in Columbus, Ohio. “I believe that it’s not an accident that our hostages came home from Iran when President Reagan was president of the United States. He didn’t sit down in a negotiation with the religious extremists in Iran, he made it very clear that those hostages were coming home.'’
The Obama campaign and we in the liberal blogosphere need to jump on these comments. Once again, McCain has demonstrated a complete lack of knowledge about foreign policy and American history. First he got confused over Sunnis and Shiites, now this.
McCain seems to be forgetting something kind of important that happened during the Reagan administration.
It's called the Iran-Contra Scandal.
Read the whole thing.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Candidate Reax
"Barack Obama has always believed that same-sex couples should enjoy equal rights under the law, and he will continue to fight for civil unions as President. He respects the decision of the California Supreme Court, and continues to believe that states should make their own decisions when it comes to the issue of marriage."
"Hillary Clinton believes that gay and lesbian couples in committed relationships should have the same rights and responsibilities as all Americans and believes that civil unions are the best way to achieve this goal. As President, Hillary Clinton will work to ensure that same sex couples have access to these rights and responsibilities at the federal level. She has said and continues to believe that the issue of marriage should be left to the states."
"John McCain supports the right of the people of California to recognize marriage as a unique institution sanctioning the union between a man and a woman, just as he did in his home state of Arizona. John McCain doesn’t believe judges should be making these decisions."
via Towleroad
Elderly Liberal Juan McCain Hearts Hamas More Than Hopey
From HuffPo:
Two years ago, in an interview with James Rubin for Sky News, Sen. John McCain expressed a willingness to negotiate with the terrorist group Hamas -- the very group that McCain has been relentlessly using to smear Sen. Barack Obama over the last several weeks.
A Polite Rebuttal
Yesterday was a landmark day for California gays. A nationwide community quietly smiled with the news, even those living in red states with no soon possibility of receiving the same dignity. Here's what one of Andrew Sullivan's readers wrote:
I live in Texas. Rights for gay folks around here are sometimes hard to discern. Daring to hope for a future of equal marriage rights often just feels futile. So you just tuck that precious hope in the darkest corner of your heart and cover it with the thickest of armor. Because in the absence of the dignity of equality, it’s all you have. And they can’t have it.
Today, I celebrated with my Californian brothers and sisters from a thousand miles away. I saw their faces, I read their stories and I wept with them. And I dared to hope for myself and my fellow Texans, just a little. My little hope has outgrown its dusty confines.
I don’t think I’ll need that armor ever again.
Today, Sully wrote a piece on St. Barack's position on full marriage rights:
I should add that Obama's position strikes me as transparently flimsy. His only defense of his support for full marriage rights without the m-word is a function, in his description, of comfort and religion. But he is very comfortable around gay people, gay couples and our families. And his own church actually favors equal marriage rights for gay couples - and its inclusion of gay people was obviously a reason why TUCC was attractive to Obama. Marriage is the one issue where Obama is still politically afraid, intellectually vacuous, and a moral coward.
This is the civil rights movement of our time. Whatever happened to the fierce urgency of now?
While Barack's stance on marriage rights is nowhere near what any gay individual feels as equal, atleast he's engaging them.
See here, here, and....oh,
He gets it. Give him a break.
After eights years of GOP fear-based campaigning, it's gonna take a while for those "hard working" folks in West Virinia, South Dakota, etc. to switch back to listen-and-judge-for-yourself mode.
It's also gonna take a while to carefully craft legislation giving all Americans their inalienable rights, building the necessary firewalls to prevent it from being a house built on sand.
In the words of the great Dr. Leo Marvin: Baby steps.
Andrew Sullivan,
St. Barack of Obama,
teh gayz
What A World
No charges for the married whoremonger NY Governor who paid to have sex with alot of whores.
Possibly 25 years for the lady who answered phones to send whores to whoremongers, such as said governor.
via Reuters
Subway Dude's Tar Baby
Only Huck would work in a joke about the possible first black POTUS being shot at an NRA speech.
This should come as no surprise. We've seen what the family wouldl do to a dog.
St. Barack of Obama,
Subway dude,
tar baby,
teh Huckabeez
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Why I Watch Hardball Every Day
I was hoping this would be available by the time I got home.
Chris Matthews,
Kevin James,
St. Barack of Obama
By The Year 2013...
John McCain will be dead because he is very old.
via John McCain's crazy picturebox with a typewriter
Chris Matthews Fascinated By Hobo America
Chris Matthews should have stopped while he was ahead. But that will never happen because he is always talking.
Here's a gem from Media Matters:
Summary: On Hardball, Chris Matthews said of Sen. Barack Obama: "I think, being an African-American, it's all the more important to get in there and show who you are, introduce yourself as a person, not as an identity group, but as a human being, and connect with people. I think that's still going to be his challenge." Matthews then stated: "Playing pool, not a bad start, but it's not what most people play. People with money play pool these days." Matthews added: "The guys who have pool rooms in their house in the basement. You know what those tables cost?"
Craig Stevens Posts Possibly The Gayest Thing On Intertubes Ever
Broadway Bingo!!!
I went to the first ever Broadway Bingo...check it out!!! I had to cut out a part where I learned that Sandy Duncan does not have a glass eye, I totally thought she did but apparently it is just a disconnected nerve...did anyone see "No,No,Nannette?" I bet she was awesome in it, I watched the video and it looked SOOO GOOD...I LOVE ROSIE!
Craig Stevens,
gay homosexuals,
teh gayz
Local Paper Reax On Sodomist T-shirts
The editor of the NWF Daily News wrote a great piece on Heather Gillman's victory:
No one should be surprised by a federal judge's ruling Tuesday that Holmes County school officials violated a Ponce de Leon High student's right to free speech when they told her she couldn't wear a t-shirt expressing support for gay teens.
As Judge Richard Smoak said of his ruling: "I find the core message here is of tolerance and fairness."
Student Heather Gillman sued the school board in October after officials prohibited her from wearing t-shirts she made supporting gay rights. She made the shirts after her 9th-grade cousin, who is openly gay, was suspended with nine other students for disruptions they caused at the school in September.
One student's parent also testified that school principal David Davis told her, "If there was a man in your house and you were going to church, you wouldn't be having these gay issues."
Scroll down for the comments and let the mouth breathing begin!!!:
A T-shirt that has a pro-gay message is free speech, a T-shirt that has an anti-gay message is hate speech. So we can assume that anything that’s politically correct would be acceptable. Anything the liberal idiots that run the schools don’t like is politically incorrect and would therefore be unacceptable.
While free speech and association are fine for other places and situations, a school is not one of those places.
only thing allowed on a shirt in school should be a collar and a pocket to avoid this
Well, then what would solve these problems? Allowing these kids to distract each other more and more will not help things. They need to learn to wait until college to make a big political stink.
A simple fix for this problem: Two words: School uniforms.
mouth breathers,
NWF Daily News,
More Attack Ad Fun
Barack Obama is a liberal black wizard that will use Hezbollah hoodoo to bleach Old Glory:
As Barack Obama visits Michigan today, the Kent County GOP is releasing this "ad" (a video, until I see details of the ad buy) that paints him as a white-flag-waiving elitist.
scary ads,
St. Barack of Obama,
Tenn. GOP's Latest Attack Ad
This time, their target is St. Barack's wife.
SPOILER ALERT: She hates America.
My proudest moment as an American?
Michelle Obama,
scary ads,
St. Barack of Obama,
Toxic Sea Snails
From io9:
There is a kind of soft, toxic snail that lives in the sea called a Nudibranch. The many kinds of Nudibranch all have intense coloration and weird shapes — so weird, in fact, that National Geographic just devoted an entire gallery to the strange creatures.
California Marriage Ban Overturned
Calfornia's Supreme Court rules:
In an opinion that analysts say could have nationwide implications for the issue, the seven-member panel voted 4-3 in favor of plaintiffs who argued that restricting marriage to men and women was discriminatory.
"... limiting the designation of marriage to a union 'between a man and a woman' is unconstitutional and must be stricken from the statute," California Chief Justice Ron George said in the written opinion.
Sully responds:
As usual, the lazy critics are uninformed. The California court has not over-ruled the legislature: in fact, the legislature has voted for full marriage equality twice already. And the court has not "created" a right to marriage for gay couples. It has argued that if the state has conceded that domestic partners should have, under state law, all the benefits and responsibilities of married couples, the designation of a separate and distinct category must be suspect, under strict scrutiny, to the inference that the designation is based on a desire to deny gay couples equal dignity and recognition. This is the same point I've made in the past; isn't constructing a separate and distinct category an example of pure animus? You have conceded the substance, but cannot concede the name. Since no heterosexual couple's rights would be affected in any way, what exactly is the rationale for maintaining the distinction? Except bias?
One other political note: the Republican governor of the state, Arnold, has already come out against the ballot initiative designed to reverse this ruling. And the initiative will not be able to affect the thousands of marriage licenses that will be granted before then. So the legislature, the governor and the court have all now supported equality. So back to the people ... for one last chance to keep the stigma in place.
Either way, brickbat congratulates California sodomists. Enjoy these last days before Hurricane Falwell lands and wipes your state off the map.
Joe Biden: Pretty Awesome
Here's the angry ex-candidate responding to W comparing Hopey to Nazi appeasers:
“This is bullshit, this is malarkey. This is outrageous, for the president of the United States to go to a foreign country, to sit in the Knesset ... and make this kind of ridiculous statement.”
Who Still Uses This Word? Honestly.
Proving that the Republican Party is constituted of elderly white men who have no clue what year we live in, the GOP sent out a memo containing the word "tar baby":
In a 20-page memo on GOP electoral woes, Rep. Tom Davis (R-Va.) repeatedly misspells Barack Obama’s name – it’s one R, congressman, not two -- and then manages to use the racially charged term “tar baby” in a paragraph about Obama and immigration.
“Remember,” Davis writes, “Hispanic voters are a swing group in this election and future elections. John McCain, being from a border state, may be out of sync with many Republicans but he has standing among Hispanics. Barrack Obama has not made the sale to Hispanic voters. Thus, this issue is a tar baby for anyone who touches it, with land mines everywhere.”
Terrorist Agist Obama Also A Sexist
If not letting Hillary win the nomination wasn't enough evidence, Hopey called a reporter "sweetie".
He then apologized to the reporter by leaving a voicemail:
"Hi Peggy. This is Barack Obama. I'm calling to apologize on two fronts. One was you didn't get your question answered and I apologize. I thought that we had set up interviews with all the local stations. I guess we got it with your station but you weren't the reporter that got the interview. And so, I broke my word. I apologize for that and I will make up for it.
"Second apology is for using the word 'sweetie.' That's a bad habit of mine. I do it sometimes with all kinds of people. I mean no disrespect and so I am duly chastened on that front. Feel free to call me back. I expect that my press team will be happy to try to make it up to you whenever we are in Detroit next."
The reporter has accepted the apology and now spends her time scribbling "Mrs. Peggy Obama" over and over in her Lisa Frank notebook.
St. Barack of Obama,
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Matthews V. Buchanan
angry white men,
Chris Matthews,
Pat Buchanan,
St. Barack of Obama
Edwards Endorses B.A. Barackus
The dreamy son of a mill finally converts and becomes one of The Messiah's disciples.
This should help him with those **wink** hardworking **wink** 'mericuns.
From Ben Smith:
John Edwards is endorsing Obama at an event tonight, the Obama campaign tells Carrie Budoff Brown in Grand Rapids, MI.
He's one of the most prominent Democrats on the sidelines, and also ran a campaign appealing to the working-class white voters whose support Clinton has been touting as proof of her electability.
We got vidjas
B.A. Barackus,
Barack Obama,
John Edwards,
St. Barack of Obama
Today's Paultard Video
This tiny hobbit is angry. Very angry. Something about the freedoms and liberties of Middle Earth.
More than likely, this is about his parents terminating his WoW account.
via The Littlest Paultard
L. Ron Paultard,
Ron Paul,
the Youtubes
HuffPost's screamer entitled Does Obama Even Need The Jewish Vote? :
Does the Jewish vote really matter all that much for the Illinois Democrat? The topic, perhaps surprisingly, carries no clear consensus among some academics and analysts.
There is relative consensus on three reasons why the Jewish vote matters. Despite lacking overall numbers, Jews participate in the political process in large percentages, representing some of the more high-profile activists. They also have, historically, been major fundraisers for both political parties. And they tend to reside — for one reason or another — in some of the country’s most significant “swing states.”
For Obama, two of those three may not be major political concerns. The senator’s ability to drum up grassroots support provides him with a robust activist base, somewhat but not entirely irrespective of opinion makers. And his fundraising apparatus, which relies on more than 1.5 million donors — many of them of the low-dollar variety — means he doesn’t have to lean on major financiers. As one prominent Jewish Democratic fundraiser told The Huffington Post, “Obama doesn’t need me and that isn’t necessarily a bad thing.” Indeed, Obama’s success in bringing in campaign cash, longtime political observers say, has fundamentally altered the relationship between candidate and constituency group.
LGF responds:
And please note that the administrators at HuffPo have already closed the comments for this one, because they know exactly what will happen if they don’t: a deluge of vicious antisemitic hatred.
Timing Is Everything
From Ambinder:
How 'bout that? Sen. Jim Webb's new book will be released on May 15, just as reporters like me start to speculate about his chances of becoming Sen. Barack Obama's vice presidential nominee
...The timing, again, is impeccable: right when Obama is starting to look around, ah, here's a guy who can go toe-to-toe with John McCain on national security, is beloved by white working class voters, puts Virginia into play instantly, and has a charming way with the media.
angry white men,
Jim Webb,
St. Barack of Obama,
Childers Wins
The MS candidate who was attacked by the GOP for being terrorist bff's with Hopey won the House seat, giving Dems a 236-199 edge over Republicans in Congress.
Hopey responded today:
"This is a hard core Republican seat and they lost it by eight points. They did everything they could. They ran ads with my face on it," he said, adding that they called Obama a liberal and mentioned his former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright. "They were trying to do every trick in the book to try to scare the folks of Mississippi and it didn’t work."
Congratulations To Heather Gillman
She won:
U.S. District Judge Richard Smoak decided Tuesday the Holmes County School Board violated Gillman’s right to free speech in November and ordered the board to alert students in writing that they are allowed to express their support for the equal treatment of gays in an appropriate and non-disruptive way.
“I find that the core message here is of tolerance and fairness,” Smoak said.
He added that administrators missed a chance in September to address students’ issues about homosexuality.
“This could have been an opportunity for leadership, an opportunity for understanding and civil discourse and a learning opportunity for tolerance and diversity. Unfortunately, those opportunities were missed,” Smoak said. He said demonstrations at Ponce De Leon High School in September were not so disruptive to allow the school to suppress students’ rights to express their opinions on gay issues.
Mike Norman Hellbent On Keeping Douchebag Status
The bar owner selling the Curious George shirts slamming St. Barack says you should not be offended. He simply thought "Man, look at those ears and his hairline."
Protesters are angry and threaten the aged racist with using their hoodoo to raise MLK from the dead, setting the zombie civil rights leader on a muderous rampage across Marietta.
Balack Obrownman,
Mike Norman,
St. Barack of Obama
Hitlery's WV Victory
Clinton: 238,941 votes 67% 20 delegates
Obama: 91,613 votes 26% 8 delegates
Sen. Thundercunt won big among hardworking West Virginians.
Here's her victory speech where she thanked Baby Jeebus and Sen. Robert Byrd, who helped the elderly John McCain blaze the Oregon Trail.
She also reminded us that "There were those who wanted to declare the nominee before the ballots were counted, or even cast." What she did not mention is that "those" were the Clintons.
To her credit, she did find one black
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Leave It To Kostards
Everyone knows that one of the Bush twins got hitched over the weekend.
What you may not know is that Daily Kos used this as an opportunity to rail against W.
They post the wedding photos "Side by side with Iraqis whose special day was turned into a living hell by the father of the bride from Crawford, Texas".
Guys........come on.
251 days, 5 hours, and 11 mins until he's out.
Give it a rest.
via LGF
brickbat Calls West Virginia For Thundercunt
You heard it here first!
Other "news organizations" may wait around for another hour and 16 mins, but we here at brickbat do not believe in such elitist concepts as "math" or "facts".
Hooray for Sen. Thundercunt!!!
She is officially Empress of Hardworking Inbred Monsters.
Cankles McGee,
hard workers,
HIllary Clinton,
West Virginia,
Six Years Old
From Obsidian Wings:
Yesterday, NPR had a fascinating story about two six year olds who are transgender. You can either read or listen to it here; if you have twenty three minutes, I recommend listening to it. One thing that becomes very clear when you listen to it is that these are not kids (biologically, boys) whose parents put the idea of being girls into their heads. They came up with it on their own. They played with dolls, not trucks; they identified with female characters, not male ones; one decided to go trick or treating as Dorothy when he was two and a half (and that's not the half of it; read or listen to the story.)
via Sully
Suge Knight Got Knocked The Fuck Out
If you're going to beat the shit out of a former football player/gangster/rap CEO with a proven track record of retribution, you might not want to let the douchebags at TMZ take your picture.
Just sayin'
via Gawker
David Davis: Still A Giant Douchebag
Yesterday, David "yes this is my real name" Davis took the stand in the first day of student Heather Gillman's discrimination suit. The heterosexual student accuses Ponce de Leon HS and it's principal of violating free speech by not allowing clothing with a pro-gay agenda. Davis also said that gay pride was "a disgrace to the school."
From WMBB:
Gillman made t-shirts with slogans like:
-"I support equal marriage rights"
-"I support gays"
-"Equal not special rights"
Principal Davis said the t-shirts violate the school board dress code.
He sent a letter to students saying students who wore the shirts would be asked to remove the shirts.
Those who continue to wear the shirts would be suspended for 5 days.
Repeat offenders faced 10 days suspension and recommendation for expulsion.
Monday in court, Davis said students who see the slogans and symbols would be distracted in class, even have mental images of gays having sex.
The Defense attacked Principal Davis, because he only saw one student wearing the letters GP written on their arm. The other cases were just reported by students and one teacher.
Another interesting point, Davis says clothes with the confederate flag are allowed at school. He says they haven't caused a distraction. Of the 406 students at the high school, none of them are African American.
I wonder why.
Why Did I Just Get This?
Guess it was okay back in the 70's to teach kids phonics with veiled drug references.
letter people,
trippy shit
Fraggle Rock: The Musical
Gotta love the Weinsteins:
Pic will take the core characters Gogo, Wembley, Mokey, Boober and Red outside of their home in Fraggle Rock, where they interact with humans, which they think are aliens. The show premiered on HBO in 1983, ran five seasons and was broadcast in more than 80 countries. It posted strong sales recently when the first three seasons were released on DVD.
BREAKING NEWS: Some People Are Racist
This may be hard to believe, but not everyone lights candles under a velvet painting of St. Barack, yearning to one day touch the hem of his garmet and cure all their ills.
Some "hard-working" folks don't like him because he is black.
Take for instance the bar Mulligans in my hometown of Marietta, GA. It's
Marietta tavern owner Mike Norman says the T-shirts he's peddling, featuring cartoon chimp Curious George peeling a banana, with "Obama in '08" scrolled underneath, are "cute." But to a coalition of critics, the shirts are an insulting exploitation of racial stereotypes from generations past.
...Among his recent musings: "I wish Hillary had married OJ," "No habla espanol — and never will" and the standard "I.N.S. Agents eat free."
"I'm saying out loud what everyone in this town whispers," Norman said
...Norman said those offended are "hunting for a reason to be mad" and insisted he is "not a racist."
Why picture Obama as Curious George? "Look at him . . . the hairline, the ears, he looks just like Curious George," Norman said.
He said it's just a coincidence that the character he chose for the T-shirt is a monkey. Norman said proceeds raised from sales of the T-shirts will be donated to the Muscular Dystrophy Association.
WaPo has a great piece on instances of racism encountered by Obama staffers while canvassing and calling during this election cycle:
Here's the worst: In Muncie, a factory town in the east-central part of Indiana, Ross and her cohorts were soliciting support for Obama at malls, on street corners and in a Wal-Mart parking lot, and they ran into "a horrible response," as Ross put it, a level of anti-black sentiment that none of them had anticipated.
"The first person I encountered was like, 'I'll never vote for a black person,' " recalled Ross, who is white and just turned 20. "People just weren't receptive."
For all the hope and excitement Obama's candidacy is generating, some of his field workers, phone-bank volunteers and campaign surrogates are encountering a raw racism and hostility that have gone largely unnoticed -- and unreported -- this election season. Doors have been slammed in their faces. They've been called racially derogatory names (including the white volunteers). And they've endured malicious rants and ugly stereotyping from people who can't fathom that the senator from Illinois could become the first African American president.
...Victoria Switzer, a retired social studies teacher, was on phone-bank duty one night during the Pennsylvania primary campaign. One night was all she could take: "It wasn't pretty." She made 60 calls to prospective voters in Susquehanna County, her home county, which is 98 percent white. The responses were dispiriting. One caller, Switzer remembers, said he couldn't possibly vote for Obama and concluded: "Hang that darky from a tree!"
...On Election Day in Kokomo, a group of black high school students were holding up Obama signs along U.S. 31, a major thoroughfare. As drivers cruised by, a number of them rolled down their windows and yelled out a common racial slur for African Americans, according to Obama campaign staffers.
...Karen Seifert, a volunteer from New York, was outside of the largest polling location in Lackawanna County, Pa., on primary day when she was pressed by a Clinton volunteer to explain her backing of Obama. "I trust him," Seifert replied. According to Seifert, the woman pointed to Obama's face on Seifert's T-shirt and said: "He's a half-breed and he's a Muslim. How can you trust that?"
via AJC and WaPo
angry white men,
Mike Norman,
St. Barack of Obama
Hillary's Sunset Blvd
This would normally creep me out, but then I remember the last 15 months.
One question: Why no Bill floating in the pool?
Monday, May 12, 2008
Irony Lost On Idaho Republicans
How soon they forget.
From Towleroad:
Why is it that Republican lawmakers in Idaho are so obsessed with men's room activities?
70-year-old Idaho Republican Walt Bayes, who in 2006 went on a 59-day anti-abortion hunger strike, says different bathroom and shower facilities should be provided for gays and straights in schools. Bayes was asked on Friday about a passage in his campaign literature which reads, "It is absolutely wrong to force any student to share the same bathrooms and showers with homosexual teachers or students."
Bayes is running for the Idaho House of Representatives.
The Idaho Press reports: "Bayes said that when he was 18 it would have been 'an absolute catastrophe' for him to have showered with girls. But he said he wasn’t completely sure how the issue of homosexuals and heterosexuals using the same facilities in schools should be addressed. 'I don’t really have an answer for it, but we’re going to have to do something if there’s going to be a considerable number of our people who are going to go that way (homosexual),' Bayes said. 'We’re going to (need) some kind of separation.'"
The other candidates in Bayes race have dismissed his comments.
Said rival Jeff Justus of Meridian: "We have a lot more important issues than that."
Idaho Bathroom Goblin,
Larry Craig,
teh gayz,
Walt Bayes
Where's Your God Now?
The Gays Are Coming
As if Bravo, AC 360, and HGTV weren't enough, sodomists will not rest until every hour of every channel is filled with buttseks.
From Waldo Lydecker:
Something's clearly going on in the world of television, because since then, gay people kissing is busting out all over the place.
...For the rest of us who've spent- well, some of us of a certain age- a really really long time never expecting to see anything like our lives portrayed honestly and respectfully anywhere, it's kinda nice to have lived this long.
via Sully
Selected Reading From Hillary Clinton Forum
If you think teh crazy only comes from Paultard Forums, think again.
No mother wants to see her son or daughter die or inherit an arid, hateful earth - no father either - but most mothers are ... mothers. Hillary reaches to every mother on earth and, through them, to every child and even every father. Hillary is the Mother we all wish we had: tall, strong, sweet, smart, joyful and clear.
That's a great article. Too bad it was hijacked by the Obamabots who obviously haven't been loved enough by their own mothers.
Hillary is my surrogate mother. She reminds me so much of my own mother, strong and gentle at the same time. Doing what you have to do to survive. My mother is gone for almost 4 years now, but I know in my heart she would be pleased to see the example that Hillary is setting for everyone.
Here's another thread, entitled "Changing Party Affiliation - Registering As Independent!":
Can you imagine Dean's face when the numbers start coming in... 10, 20, 30% of the party jumping ship to IND with him having no way of knowing which way we'll go? Am I off base here- are those numbers of party changes reported to the committees?
tooo tired to read it all this morning however if it says change party to independent or start new party let's do it!!!!!!! NOW!!!!
Remember Obama cheated in Texas and the party supported it. Affavits were sent documenting voter problems at caucus.
Change is an intelligent woman, not a naive man.
I am done too. Last night I decided I am finished with the Democratic Party. This is now my third Presidential election where I have been sick to my stomach. If Hillary weren't in this race I would probably be donating to the RNC by now.
No NO NO we wouldn't vote Independent- we would vote mccain- but, we are going to send the message that we have left the party at the same time they coronate obama (IF that is- but, let's be realistic- forces are at work here!)
via Hillary Clinton Forum
Only In Panama Shitty
A hobo walking his pet racoon on a leash.
Money quote, when he was stopped by offended witnesses:
Mine. It’s mine. I trapped, I caught it, it’s mine
via NWF Daily News
Generational Gap
Hope on the horizon:
"I just keep thinking, if Jesus were alive now, he wouldn't necessarily be voting Republican," he said.
via The Seattle Times
Still Stoking The Fire
Even with certain defeat looming, Bill Clinton injects race and class warfare where it'll stick:
He's using the kind of language Democrats typically use against Republicans -- as in, stuff you say when you don't want voters to vote for the other guy under any circumstance.
This is tough stuff to walk back from.
Per ABC News' Sarah Amos, this is what the 42nd president of the United States said Friday in Ripley, W.Va.:
"Hillary is in this race because of people like you and places like this and no matter what they say," Clinton said. "And no matter how much fun they make of your support of her and the fact that working people all over America have stuck with her, she thinks you're as smart as they are. She thinks you've got as much right to have your say as anybody else. And, you know, they make a lot of fun of me because I like to campaign in places like this, they say I have been exiled to rural America, as if that was a problem. I don't know about you, but I'd rather be here than listening to that stuff I have to hear on television, I'd rather be with you. There is a simple reason: You need a president a lot more than those people telling you not to vote for her."
In Madison, W.Va.:
"It is very interesting, from the very beginning of this race there has been a sharp divide in the vote -- the people who need a president, who need to turn the economy around, who need to restore the middle class, who need to give poor people a chance to work their way into the middle class, who need to give our children a better future, who need to restore our standing in the world and the war in Iraq, but do it in a way that rebuilds our military and stands up for America's security and standing around the world -- they have been for her from the get-go."
And on and on... Ginning up the resentments and the class divide (and maybe other divisions). ... His message to these voters: Obama and the media are laughing at you and think you're stupid!!!
via Jake Tapper / ABC
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