Wednesday, April 23, 2008

St. Barack's Loser Speech

To sum it up: blah blah blah Hope blah blah Change blah blah Hope Hope Hope.

The real story is about the three guys behind Barack. They seem to be slightly flaming college douches who lurve wearing A&F. The one on the right is especially funny, as it seems that he snorted a eleventy billion lines of meth before getting up there.

Also, because A&F is a racist lynching corporation. Great crowd scouting, Hopetards.


Unknown said...

I saw those three fuckers last night too! Laughed my ass off at them the entire speech.

brickbat said...

i thought i was the only one until the morning after. along with weapons checks, they should really invest in some drug sniffing dogs. maybe some douche sniffing dogs just to be safe.