Saturday, April 26, 2008


Those A&F wierdos have spawned a clothing line.

Also, The Caucus gives us a little more info on the boys:

Because they were all wearing T-shirts from Abercrombie & Fitch, they stood out in the crowd, even receiving cell-phone calls from friends who had spotted them on television during the speech. Soon the media mentioned them, wondering whether they were part of an advertising campaign, a shrewd bit of product placement by the retailer, which is geared toward the same young crowd attracted to Mr. Obama’s candidacy.
Not so. The young men saw a report on CNN and called the network to say they had not planned anything. One of them works at the Abercrombie & Fitch store in Evansville. He and one of his brothers and a friend decided to go to the rally; they wear A&F clothes all the time and didn’t think twice about the T-shirts.

At the rally, a campaign volunteer asked them to stand behind Mr. Obama during his speech. It was not clear what role the T-shirts played, if any, in their selection. Spokesmen for the Obama campaign and A&F said there was no plan to highlight A&F, and both were caught by surprise when the T-shirts drew such attention.

Caving In To FOX

via BraveNewFilms

Pawpaw McCain's BFF Hagee On Katrina

Butt sex. It was all because of butt sex.

Birmingham Woman Frightened By Dudes Kissing

ABC's 20/20 is doing a social experiement to see how people react to certain social situations.

This one involves 2 men kissing in public in Birmingham. A woman spots the sodomists' activity and calls 911:

One woman in Birmingham, Alabama apparently called 911 when she saw the two guys kissing:

Operator: "Birmingham Police operator 9283"

Caller: "We have a couple of men sitting out on the bench that have been kissing and drooling all over each other for the past hour or so. It's not against the law, right?"

Operator: "Not to the best of my knowledge it's not."

Caller: "So there's no complaint I could make or have?"

Operator: "I imagine you could complain if you like ma'am. We can always send an officer down there."

via Towleroad

When Galaxies Collide

From Wired:

To celebrate the 18th anniversary of the launch of Hubble, the Space Telescope Science Institute released 59 images of galaxies colliding. Rather than the staid and immutable image that galaxies have had in textbooks these images paint a remarkable picture of whirling, colliding, flirtatious galaxies that are crashing into each other or cozying up to produce new mega galaxies.

Although only one in a million of the galaxies closest to us are interacting, galaxies much further away (the light we are getting from them is billions of years old) are caught "in the act" more often. This is because there were more galactic collisions in the early universe, so looking farther away (which is also farther into the past) will increase your chances of seeing galaxies collide.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Another Day, Another Diamond Whore

Yet another whore has come forward with details about her sexy time playdates with Eliot Spitzerswallows.

Seems Spitzer likes to keep his socks on during sex. She also says the NY whoremonger was fond of using sex toys to "enhance his own pleasure", which is just a fancy way of saying she got paid to stick things in his butt:

It's unclear whether the second woman was associated with Emperors Club VIP - the brothel that dispatched Dupre to entertain Spitzer in Washington, DC...

The second hooker-informant also told investigators Spitzer was fond of using sex toys to enhance his own pleasure, the sources said.

"The full portrait of Mr. Spitzer's sexual interests has yet to be told," one source said.

Spitzer's spokeswoman, Anna Cordasco, had no immediate comment.

The feds found the second hooker in the course of reviewing records, following the money and checking out the mountain of tips in the case.

She expanded on the portrait of Spitzer's sexual fetishes in graphic detail, the sources said, also divulging that he had a penchant for props.

Sources said the second hooker also noted that Spitzer liked to keep his socks on during sex - a claim previously made by Republican political operative Roger Stone.

via HuffPo

Mexico Bill V. Gollum Continues

Here's a clip of Mexico Bill and James Carville going at it on Larry King.

The bearded Messican says the Clintons are souless pod people who act as if America is a monarchy that should just go ahead and crown them Emporer Overlords for Life.

Gollum says that Mexico Bill is fat Chiclet-selling liar who will probably be found dead in a park in a couple of weeks because he supports Hopey.

Then they make out the end.

Today's Hilltard Video

Larry Craig Is Now A Gay Hobo

The Idaho Bathroom Goblin is finding out the hard way that it would have been way cheaper to pick some dude up online:

Per the Senate ethics committee's Feb. 13 "admonition" of him for his guilty plea to disorderly conduct charges, Craig has not paid any of his top-flight lawyers from his campaign committee since early February. The last legal payment from Craig for U.S. Senate, in the form of an $80,695 check, went out on Feb. 3 to Billy Martin's firm of Sutherland Asbill & Brennan.

According to reports his campaign committee filed with the Federal Election Commission, that put Craig's total legal tab at more than $407,000 since he was arrested June 11 at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport in an undercover sting designed to root out lewd behavior.

via HuffPo

Picking Apart Logical Fallacies

From Wired:

Do you ever get into arguments on the internet? If not, get a refund from your ISP, because you're not getting your money's worth.

The latest Alt Text is a handy guide to logical fallacies that will aid you in any argument, ranging from election debates to important stuff like whether Optimus Prime could beat up the Terminator.

These rhetorical techniques won't actually help you win, mind you, but they will allow you to keep changing the subject until your opponent gives up. And on the web, that's just as good!

Jenna Bush Wants To Be Hoped From Behind

Jenna and Laura were on Larry King last night, and the 08 race was brought up. Here are Jenna's America hating remarks:

KING: Do you have a favorite between the two, the two Democrats?

LAURA BUSH: My favorite is the Republican.

KING (pointing to Jenna): Yours too, I would imagine.

JENNA BUSH: I don't know.

KING: A-ha! Are you open to...

JENNA BUSH: Yeah, of course. I mean, who isn't open to learning about the candidates and I'm sure that everybody's like that.

This teaches us two things:

1) Laura Bush, by not stating Juan McCain's name, is a closeted Paultard

2) Jenna is a big fan of Mandingo.

via Yeas&Nays

Florida To Prove Holiness With License Plate

What's more awesomer than a Save teh Babies license plate?

An I love Baby Jesus more than you license plate.

With over 100 plate styles to choose from, Florida lawmakers think we're missing that certain "J" factor:

The Florida Legislature is considering a specialty plate with a design that includes a Christian cross, a stained-glass window and the words "I Believe."

Rep. Edward Bullard, the plate's sponsor, said people who "believe in their college or university" or "believe in their football team" already have license plates they can buy. The new design is a chance for others to put a tag on their cars with "something they believe in," he said.

I'm submitting my suggestion for a license plate: The Piss Christ on a plain white background stating "I ate a baby for breakfast this morning and all I got was this lousy dysentery.

via Breitbart

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Today's Godtube Moment

Another one about the Rapture, but this time with a delightful animated twist.

Locals Getting Annoyed By Hobos

Folks in the Panhandle of Florida are getting tired of homeless people being all homeless and asking for money and stuff.

So, the local newspaper comes to the rescue with an interview of one of these urban outdoorsman asking him if being homeless is as awesome as it looks.

There's also an interview with a local douche intertubes site owner who says that said hobos are scaring off young ladies from partying here, which cuts in to his poon cache.

Today's Paultard Video

Yes, they still exist. And this one is pretty pissed.

She's mad at the sheeple and the Pope for hoarding his Nazi gold and a bunch of other typical Paultardian complaints about stuff that does not affect those of us who do not live in Second Life.

How She Can Win

St. Barack's Loser Speech

To sum it up: blah blah blah Hope blah blah Change blah blah Hope Hope Hope.

The real story is about the three guys behind Barack. They seem to be slightly flaming college douches who lurve wearing A&F. The one on the right is especially funny, as it seems that he snorted a eleventy billion lines of meth before getting up there.

Also, because A&F is a racist lynching corporation. Great crowd scouting, Hopetards.

You're Going To Be Gay


"Stereotypes are funny," said Shann Carr, stirring a cup of tea at Michael's Diner in Rancho Mirage.

She flips her book open to a page of a girl in a football uniform.

"It might not be politically correct, but sometimes stereotypes are there for a reason," she said.

Carr, a lesbian stand-up comedian, is the author of a new book, "You're Going to be Gay!"

She points to a photo of a boy in a spandex figure skating outfit.

"I mean, come on!" she laughed. "He knew!"

The soft-cover book contains the childhood photos of 50 gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender adults, alongside funny quotes about growing up gay.

Rev. Wright And Sen. Unicorn To Steal NC's White Women And Democracy

Above is an ad the North Carolina GOP is running to tie Obama bin Laden and Rev. Wright to Dem candidates in their state. You see, just by hugging or standing near the America hating Mooslim elitist, they are goddamning America themselves.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Hitlery Victory Speech Roundup

A few minutes ago, Hillary cankled her way up on a stage in bitter Philadelphia. Her racist perv husband and butterface daughter are there as well.

People are chanting "yes she can", which I'm assuming is an answer to the question "Can she be any more annoying?"

She has solutions for terrorist home lending cells and the America-hating American ozone.

She will steal St. Barack's magic Messiah powers to heal people who have AIDS and the cancers with Baby Jesus stem cells.

Please go to her website and give her money because she is a hobo and is tired of eating Ramen and drinking Natty.

Her daughter took for granted the fact that she could go to school with black people who will not vote for her mother.

She would like to thank the mayonaise funneling Gov. Rendel for all his help, along with 100 other Pennsylvanian mayors who do not love America as much as 9udy 11uliani.

She will stumble, and might get knocked down, but she will get right back up and keep campaigning...even at President Unicorn's inauguration.

She has to steal St. Barack's motto and slightly change it to "yes we will" because she is a very poor transient who needs your money the end.

Yes, This Did Happen

And to prove that the American political process is totally screwed:

Poon Hound Bill Needs To STFU

America's first Racist Black President still wants to talk about the Obama / Jesse Jackson comparison:

With Sen. Hillary Clinton locked in a dogfight with Sen. Barack Obama for votes in today's crucial Democratic Pennsylvania primary, her husband and former U.S. president, Bill Clinton, stole the spotlight by loudly rehashing his controversial comparison of Obama to Jesse Jackson.

"He would do the [Clinton] campaign good if he would just stop saying stuff like this," said Bob Shrum, a former Democratic strategist who worked on both the Al Gore and John Kerry campaigns. "There are plenty of times when he goes out and is very effective, but then he pops off in other ways that don't help."

..."I think that they played the race card on me. And we now know, from memos from the campaign and everything, that they planned to do it all along," he said in a telephone interview with WHYY's Susan Phillips. "I was stating a fact, and it's still a fact."

The former president says the comment was "used out of context and twisted for political purposes by the Obama campaign."

Then, after the interview had concluded but the microphone had not yet been turned off, he said, "I don't think I should take any s-- from anybody on that, do you?"

via ABC

Thundercunt Elected President Of Bitter Pennsylvanians

With 33% reporting, it's Cankles with 54%, St. Barack with 46%.

No doubt she will continue to run.

And no doubt Sen. Unicorn will continue to be an elitist terrorist.


Monday, April 21, 2008

The Rise Of Hate

via BraveNewFilms

Hillary's New Ad: Obama Is A Big Pussy

Elderly Juan McCain Really Is A Senile Mean Old Fuck

The Washington Post interviewed a billion people to prove it. Here are some of the accounts proving that Pawpaw should just forget this president business and take a nap:

It was early 1992, and the occasion was an informal gathering of a select committee investigating lingering issues about Vietnam War prisoners and those missing in action, most notably whether any American servicemen were still being held by the Vietnamese. It is unclear precisely what issue set off McCain that day. But at some point, he mocked Grassley to his face and used a profanity to describe him. Grassley stood and, according to two participants at the meeting, told McCain, "I don't have to take this. I think you should apologize."

McCain refused and stood to face Grassley. "There was some shouting and shoving between them, but no punches," recalls a spectator, who said that Nebraska Democrat Bob Kerrey helped break up the altercation.

...Part of the paradox of McCain is that many of the old targets of his volcanic temper are now his campaign contributors. Former Phoenix mayor Paul Johnson is one example. In 1992, during a private meeting of Arizona officials over a federal land issue that affected the state, a furious McCain openly questioned Johnson's honesty. "Start a tape recorder -- it's best when you get a liar on tape," McCain said to others in the meeting, according to an account of their "nose-to-nose, testosterone-filled" argument that Johnson later provided to reporters.

...In 1994, McCain tried to stop a primary challenge to the state's Republican governor, J. Fife Symington III, by telephoning his opponent, Barbara Barrett, the well-heeled spouse of a telecommunications executive, and warning of unspecified "consequences" should she reject his advice to drop out of the race. Barrett stayed in. At that year's state Republican convention, McCain confronted Sandra Dowling, the Maricopa County school superintendent and, according to witnesses, angrily accused her of helping to persuade Barrett to enter the race.

"You better get [Barrett] out or I'll destroy you," a witness claims that McCain shouted at her. Dowling responded that if McCain couldn't respect her right to support whomever she chose, that he "should get the hell out of the Senate." McCain shouted an obscenity at her, and Dowling howled one back.

However, we have to cut him a break. He is a war hero that lost his shins and killed fitty men.

Plus, you would be angry too if your balls smelled like Depends.

via WaPo

Chelsea Clinton Victim Of Lesbian Abuse

While being pimped sent on a Philly gay bar adventure to shore up support for her mother, Chelsea was felt up by a coach:

Led around the neighborhood by Gov. Ed Rendell, Chelsea was mobbed by local gays and lesbians, as she walked from one club to the next. They ran up to hug her, posed for pictures and certainly invaded her personal space.

I grabbed her ass,” one young woman exclaimed to her friends after snapping a picture with her arm around the former first daughter.

“Chelsea, the gays love you!” one fan exclaimed, as she took the microphone at Bump, a restaurant and bar that was her first stop. “Oh, gosh, I don’t know if everybody loves me,” she responded.