Saturday, April 26, 2008

Birmingham Woman Frightened By Dudes Kissing

ABC's 20/20 is doing a social experiement to see how people react to certain social situations.

This one involves 2 men kissing in public in Birmingham. A woman spots the sodomists' activity and calls 911:

One woman in Birmingham, Alabama apparently called 911 when she saw the two guys kissing:

Operator: "Birmingham Police operator 9283"

Caller: "We have a couple of men sitting out on the bench that have been kissing and drooling all over each other for the past hour or so. It's not against the law, right?"

Operator: "Not to the best of my knowledge it's not."

Caller: "So there's no complaint I could make or have?"

Operator: "I imagine you could complain if you like ma'am. We can always send an officer down there."

via Towleroad

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