Saturday, August 2, 2008
Master of War
From Gawker:
The Youtube user who brought us the terrifically popular "Ted Stevens: a Series of Tubes" video, is taking on awful Republican Presidential nominee John McCain in his latest creation. I think he takes a little too long to get to the McCain stuff, but it gets good (in a creepy, scary way) once he does.
Gays In The Military: 1971
Over at The Daily Dish, Chris Boddener posted his father's account of serving with the gays in Vietnam:
When brought to the battalion's recon platoon, I made only one request of the battation's commander. I asked to bring my rifle platoon's "point man" (the scout, the first-to-the-front when traveling in file). He had very keen senses, was an excellent shot, and was strong as an ox and walked like a cat. His reputation among soldiers was that of a "John Wayne." I believe he had probably saved my life more than once.
However, the very intense members of the recon platoon were convinced that they already had the best point man in the battalion. To my surprise, the point man of this predominately-Southern, white group of men was a 20-year-old black Cajun soldier with a very slight build, noticeably effeminate speech, and who even wore a gold ring in his left ear. "Cajun" was quite a contrast to the other men, to say the least, particularly compared to my new platoon sergeant -- a self-described "redneck" from Georgia who had already served 6 tours in Vietnam and was so conservative that he voted for the segregationist George Wallace in '68.
Over the course of my time as recon leader, "John Wayne" and "Cajun" served superbly as dual point men, most notably the time we had to secure the perimeter around the second-worst air disaster in Vietnam history (when a Chinook helicopter carrying 30 men lost its rear transmission and rotor upon take-off and crashed, killing everyone aboard).
What I eventually came to realize before we redeployed to the U.S. was that BOTH of my point men were gay. The main point of anything that can be or has been said of these fine soldiers is ... so what?! To some degree, probably every one of the 700 men in the battalion owed their welfare to these two men. Their personal habits and their being "non-heterosexual" didn't concern anyone in the small group of very focused and highly intense young men who lived and slept very near both of them. It didn't bother me in 1971 and it certainly doesn't concern me one damn bit in 2008. A fine soldier is a fine soldier, period.
Don't Ask Don't Tell,
teh gayz
Stay Home Nov. 4 And Avoid RACERIOT 2008™
The elderly Juan McCain's Mexican heritage is coming in pretty handy. He's recorded a videotape message to let the latino people know how much Barack Obama hates them because did not mention their country at a geography bee in Berlin.
Translation at John McCain's crazy picturebox with a typewriter.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
WSJ Calls Cotton McHill A Senile Tranny
Daniel Henninger wrote a piece today that, well, starts like this:
Is John McCain losing it?
On Sunday, he said on national television that to solve Social Security "everything's on the table," which of course means raising payroll taxes. On July 7 in Denver he said: "Senator Obama will raise your taxes. I won't."
This isn't a flip-flop. It's a sex-change operation.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.....wait. That's fucking gross.
The article goes on about what an awful a person WALNUTS! is and how he will lose the election because he is old and most Americans hate the elderly:
He's competing as if he expects the other side to lose it for him. Sen. McCain is a famously undisciplined politician. Someone in the McCain circle had better do some straight talking to the candidate. He's not some 19-year-old tennis player who's going to win the U.S. presidential Open on raw talent and the other guy's errors. He's not that good.
There is a reason the American people the past 100 years elevated only two sitting senators into the White House -- JFK and Warren Harding. It's because they believe most senators, adept at compulsive compromise, have no political compass and will sell them out. Now voters have to do what they prefer not to. Yes, Sen. McCain has honor and country. Another month of illogical, impolitic remarks and Sen. McCain will erase even that. Absent a coherent message for voters, he will be one-on-one with Barack Obama in the fall. He will lose.
via WSJ
Ted Stevens Says He Didn't Do It
The distinguished eskimo Senator from AK plead not guilty to all that stuff that he actually did do.
After being forced to hand over his passport, Stevens requested that his trial be moved from D.C. to Alaska. This is because he has already brided the assortment of penguins and polar bears that will sit on his jury.
via CNN
dump truck,
polar bears,
Ted Stevens
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
NSFW Video Of Silas (For The Gays)
Find more videos like this on dreamcapsTV
Yeh, huge
via OMG
UPDATE: Video is down, but the still can be found here.
Hillary Will Keynote
She's agreed to speak at Sen. Unicorn's Denver block party bbq:
Hillary Clinton has agreed to speak on Day 2 of the Democratic convention to commemorate the 88th anniversary of women's right to vote - a move seen by delegates as another sign she won't be on Barack Obama's ticket, the Daily News learned.
A top Obama aide told party leaders in a conference call last night that Clinton has accepted the offer to be the featured prime-time Tuesday night speaker, a high-profile slot that some of Clinton's own people have floated in recent days.
Aug. 26 is the anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment, which granted women the right to vote in 1920.
HIllary Clinton,
Sen. Unicorn,
St. Patrick's Day
WALNUTS! Calls Barry Dumb Blond Whore
We were hoping for cunt.
John McCain,
St. Barack of Obama,
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
First Shot Fired In The Great Douchebag War Of 2008
Justin Timberlake complained about Ashton Kutcher's claim of starting the trucker hat trend:
“It’s funny,” Timberlake says in the new issue of Fashion Rocks magazine. “I keep hearing Ashton Kutcher say how he was responsible for trucker caps. I’ve heard him make that statement before.”
But Timberlake insists he and his William Rast fashion line partner and childhood friend Trace Ayala are the real trendsetters. “Trace and I were wearing them when we were seventeen,” Mr. SexyBack says.
Meanwhile, noone cares and the two continue to meet twice a week at the Viceroy under fictitious names to piss on each other while listening to Seal.
Ashton Kutcher,
golden showers,
Justin Tiberlake,
sexy time,
stupid shit
BREAKING NEWS!!!: Ted Stevens Indicted, Does Not Matter
This of course is not news because every website on the planet has retarded screamers blazing on their front page like this:
From HuffPo:
Sen. Ted Stevens, the nation's longest-serving Republican senator and a major figure in Alaska politics since before statehood, was indicted Tuesday on seven felony counts of concealing more than a quarter of a million dollars in house renovations and gifts from a powerful oil contractor that lobbied him for government aid.
Stevens, 84, is the first sitting U.S. senator to face federal indictment since 1993. He declared, "I am innocent of these charges and intend to prove that."
He is accused of lying on his annual Senate financial disclosure reports between 1999 and 2006 _ an indictment that caps a lengthy FBI investigation that has upended Alaska politics and brought unfavorable attention to both Stevens and his congressional colleague, GOP Rep. Don Young. Both are running for re-election this year.
Chinese businessmen,
Ted Stevens
Obama Supporter Holds Depressing House Party
Ever been invited to a party where you show up and immediately want to leave because the host would not stop talking about their sicknesses?
This is exactly what happened when "Marla" from CO was strong armed by her negro husband to hold an Obama blowjob party. People showed up expecting to consume bruschetta and HOPE™, but only received the chance to sit and cry on her staircase while she gave details about her tata cancer.
Try alcohol next time. The poors seem to love that stuff.
via Barack Obama
blowjob parties,
house parties,
St. Barack of Obama
DNC Gets Shitty With Hilltards
There is an organiztion called PUMAPAC, which is a group of racist bitters who want a roll-call vote at the Denver convention so that their cankled overlord can lose yet again.
They've taken a page from the Paultard playbook and spammed the inboxes of the DNC leadership with their demands.
Here are some of the responses they've received:
“What’s clear is much of this so called rage is being stirred not by Hillary, but those pretending to be her supporters. Stop the hate. You have totally disrespected the Senator with your emails. Stop the hate. Not sure if you know, but we are keeping copies of all these emails in the archives. Yes, you are not going to get away with pretending to be for Hillary. She is a leader of the Dem party.”
from Donna Brazile threatening Sharon, a Democratic voter, with retaliation for contacting her about the election, on June 8, 2008.
“The racist bullshit I have gotten from my fellow Clinton supporters has been enough to make me puke. You have a choice. No one would be forcing you. It is a choice. A choice you will have to live with. 100 years in Iraq if McCain gets elected. Thousands more dead American Soldiers.” — from Garry S. Shay, Member, DNC (CA) and Lead Chair Rules Committee, California Democratic Party, to a Democratic voter from California, July 18, 2008.
“Man, you have to chill. Try tennis!” — from Dwight Pelz, WA State Democratic Party Chair and Super Delegate, to a Democratic voter in Maryland in response to an email she sent requesting an open convention and roll call vote, on July 18, 2008.
“Good for you, when the fascists come in the middle of the night to take you to a concentration camp, remember how you voted. Take me off your whiner list . . .then tell them to stop calling me telling me that they are going to vote for mccain. i am would rather vote for a rabid dog than any Fascist republican like mccain. read the declaration of independence.” — from Steven Ybarra, a California Super Delegate, in response to a letter from a Democratic voter, July 8, 2008.
“When God was giving out brains…you thought he said trains…and you missed yours. Who gives a croc what you do, its your business fool.” — from Ben Johnson, member of the DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee, to Sherry, a Democratic voter from Michigan, July 7, 2008.
“Having Senator Clinton’s name on a roll call without having the votes would just embarrass her, waste time, and make people agonize over nothing. I find it difficult to believe that this organization is not an undercover McCain operation. If you want to be productive, advocate for Senator Obama to choose Senator Clinton as his running mate.” — from Patti Higgins, Alaska State Party Chair and Superdelegate, to a Democratic voter who asked that she ensure an open convention and roll call vote for all the delegates, July 18, 2008.
Do not email us again. Thank you.” — from Carolyn Warner, Arizona Super Delegate and former state senator, to a Democratic voter who requested that she help make sure that the Convention includes an open roll call vote as in years’ past, July 18, 2008.
“Get over it, loser. I am NOT a Hillary delegate.” from Amy Everhart, an Austin, Texas delegate pledged to Obama, to Thomas a Democratic voter, July 11, 2008.
And my personal favorite:
“I must confess a bit of fatigue and irritation with people who continue to carp, complain, and criticize the results of the primary and lay down conditions for their support. The Los Angeles Lakers didn’t establish conditions to recognize the Boston Celtics as NBA Champions; Roger Federer did not demand concessions before recognizing that Rafael Nadal defeated him at Wimbledon.” — Don Fowler, DNC Member at Large and former Chair of the DNC, and Alice Germond, Secretary of the DNC, in a letter to Democratic donors, July 19, 2008
via Ben Smith
bitter old white ladies,
HIllary Clinton,
lady bitters,
Monday, July 28, 2008
Boycott Batman. It's The Christian Thing To Do.
Here's a great piece on why all good persons of Jesusy inclination should not spend their money on a movie that promotes the pro-buttseks views of known sodomist, Batman:
The accusation that Batman was a homo, as strange as it might sound to our own ears, was taken quite seriously by government and public alike. It wasn't leveled by a marginal nut or crank, but by a world-renowned psychiatrist, Dr. Frederic Wertham.
Wertham was the Chief Psychiatrist for the New York Department of Hospitals and an important figure among the New York City liberal intelligentsia. His writings were respected enough to help form part of the legal strategy for Brown v. Board. In 1954, Wertham published a scathing indictment of comic books, The Seduction of the Innocent, which argued that comic books were an invidious influence on American youth, responsible for warped gender attitudes and all manner of delinquency. Wertham's accusations garnered the attention of Senator Estes Kefauver and his Senate Sub-committee on Juvenile Delinquency, where Wertham repeated many of his central claims.
Batman and Robin, Wertham charged, inhabited "a wish dream of two homosexuals living together." They lived in "sumptuous quarters," unencumbered by wives and girlfriends, with only an aged butler for company. They cared for each other's injuries, frequently shared quarters, and lounged together in dressing gowns. Worse still, both exhibited damning psychological characteristics: proclivities for costumes, dressing up, and fantasy play; secretive behavior and double-lives; little interest in women; and, most damning of all, neurotic compulsions resulting in their violent vigilantism. Indeed, Wertham argued, depictions of Batman and Robin were frequently homoerotic, visually emphasizing Batman's rippling physique and Robins splayed, bare thighs.
If Bruce Wayne was a paragon of upper-middle class white masculinity - wealthy, cultivated, and amiable - his secret identity represented the dark liberation found in the lurid city, cruising strange corners. Even if Batman's genitals were never portrayed coming into contact with Robin, Batman's crime-fighting lifestyle still embodied a fantasy of freedom from male familial responsibilities and, in a very real sense, from women altogether. Batman's world of the 1940s was almost exclusively male.
The few females who appeared in the pages of Detective were usually for show or comic relief (Bruce Wayne's earliest fiance, Julie Madison, was frequently duped by his double-identity and played for laughs). Like many closeted men, Bruce Wayne dated women to keep up appearances, so that no one would suspect that beneath his placid veneer lurked the sort of fellow who wrestled with criminals in dark alleys.
In 1950, a subcommittee chaired by Maryland Senator Millard Tydings convened to investigate Joseph McCarthy's notorious list of "205 known communists." Tydings worked to discredit McCarthy's claim, but, in the process, the subcommittee at least partially validated concerns that the State Department was overrun with "sexual perverts." During the hearings, Nebraska Senator Kenneth Wherry memorably claimed that as many as 3,000 homosexuals were employed at State. By the end of 1950, 600 people had been dismissed from positions at the State Department on morals charges.
How deeply this context specifically informed the creative forces at DC is difficult to tell. Regardless, the charges levied by Wertham against Batman were bad for sales. Parents might steer their children away from the title toward more "wholesome" comics and some communities might attempt censor the comic book altogether. In an effort, to combat the perception that their product was morally suspect, DC made a number of changes.
Attempts to contrive a heterosexual "history" for Batman have always rang false, precisely because what rang true about Batman had nothing to do with "normal" heterosexual romance. That hardly necessitates Batman occupy an all-male world and the next Nolan film would benefit from a compelling female villain. Nevertheless, this much is certain: a character locked in any banal romance, either with Dick Grayson or Rachel Dawes, hardly seems believable as someone willing to endure the deprivations and burdens required of the Batman.
via Bilerico
coming out,
gay homosexuals,
Various Hollywood Homosexuals To Attend Denver Convention
As expected, Democrats are organizing an army of sodomists to perform at the coronation/beatification of St. Barack of Obama:
the Democratic National Convention is fast becoming a ticket as prized as the Oscars, as much a destination as Sundance and as much a media moment for "Entertainment Tonight" and "Access Hollywood" as it is for MSNBC.
Stars like Annette Bening, Susan Sarandon, Spike Lee, Rob Reiner and Ben Affleck are expected. Entertainers as diverse as Kanye West, Melissa Etheridge, the Black Eyed Peas, Stevie Wonder, Sheryl Crow and Rufus Wainwright are being lined up for convention-related events in Denver. And cabler Starz is coordinating a "Green Room," where delegates, celebs and other VIPs can mingle, watch politically themed movies, and listen to panels on entertainment and politics.
The only thing missing are gift suites -- off-limits due to stringent lobbying rules.
Who will sing at the GOP Convention in St. Paul? The Charlie Daniels Band.
Trailer Released Of Oliver Stone's Horrible New Movie
Above is a sneak peek at Stone's "W", which is a movie about the greatest President of our time.
The movie will not create much buzz until about 2 months before it is released, when Richard Dreyfuss is found dead in his NY apartment from an accidental overdose of prescription drugs.
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