Tuesday, July 29, 2008

DNC Gets Shitty With Hilltards

Be warned:  She's a letter writer

There is an organiztion called PUMAPAC, which is a group of racist bitters who want a roll-call vote at the Denver convention so that their cankled overlord can lose yet again.

They've taken a page from the Paultard playbook and spammed the inboxes of the DNC leadership with their demands.

Here are some of the responses they've received:

“What’s clear is much of this so called rage is being stirred not by Hillary, but those pretending to be her supporters. Stop the hate. You have totally disrespected the Senator with your emails. Stop the hate. Not sure if you know, but we are keeping copies of all these emails in the archives. Yes, you are not going to get away with pretending to be for Hillary. She is a leader of the Dem party.”
from Donna Brazile threatening Sharon, a Democratic voter, with retaliation for contacting her about the election, on June 8, 2008.

“The racist bullshit I have gotten from my fellow Clinton supporters has been enough to make me puke. You have a choice. No one would be forcing you. It is a choice. A choice you will have to live with. 100 years in Iraq if McCain gets elected. Thousands more dead American Soldiers.” — from Garry S. Shay, Member, DNC (CA) and Lead Chair Rules Committee, California Democratic Party, to a Democratic voter from California, July 18, 2008.

“Man, you have to chill. Try tennis!” — from Dwight Pelz, WA State Democratic Party Chair and Super Delegate, to a Democratic voter in Maryland in response to an email she sent requesting an open convention and roll call vote, on July 18, 2008.

“Good for you, when the fascists come in the middle of the night to take you to a concentration camp, remember how you voted. Take me off your whiner list . . .then tell them to stop calling me telling me that they are going to vote for mccain. i am would rather vote for a rabid dog than any Fascist republican like mccain. read the declaration of independence.” — from Steven Ybarra, a California Super Delegate, in response to a letter from a Democratic voter, July 8, 2008.

“When God was giving out brains…you thought he said trains…and you missed yours. Who gives a croc what you do, its your business fool.” — from Ben Johnson, member of the DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee, to Sherry, a Democratic voter from Michigan, July 7, 2008.

“Having Senator Clinton’s name on a roll call without having the votes would just embarrass her, waste time, and make people agonize over nothing. I find it difficult to believe that this organization is not an undercover McCain operation. If you want to be productive, advocate for Senator Obama to choose Senator Clinton as his running mate.” — from Patti Higgins, Alaska State Party Chair and Superdelegate, to a Democratic voter who asked that she ensure an open convention and roll call vote for all the delegates, July 18, 2008.

Do not email us again. Thank you.” — from Carolyn Warner, Arizona Super Delegate and former state senator, to a Democratic voter who requested that she help make sure that the Convention includes an open roll call vote as in years’ past, July 18, 2008.

“Get over it, loser. I am NOT a Hillary delegate.” from Amy Everhart, an Austin, Texas delegate pledged to Obama, to Thomas a Democratic voter, July 11, 2008.

And my personal favorite:

“I must confess a bit of fatigue and irritation with people who continue to carp, complain, and criticize the results of the primary and lay down conditions for their support. The Los Angeles Lakers didn’t establish conditions to recognize the Boston Celtics as NBA Champions; Roger Federer did not demand concessions before recognizing that Rafael Nadal defeated him at Wimbledon.” — Don Fowler, DNC Member at Large and former Chair of the DNC, and Alice Germond, Secretary of the DNC, in a letter to Democratic donors, July 19, 2008

via Ben Smith

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