Saturday, May 17, 2008

"My one hope and dream in the military was to go to college"

John McCain's free ride is over:

Kristofer Goldsmith testified before the Congressional Progressive Caucus:

"I was stop-lossed. My one hope and dream in the military was to go to college after I went through Iraq. I attempted suicide. I never deployed a second time. Because of that I received a general discharge. I lost my college benefits, the $40,000 promised to me in the Montgomery GI Bill, I will not be eligible to receive. And currently there is a Senator in Congress currently running for president, who is fighting to kill our Webb GI bill. And I’m one of the soldiers who will never get that money."

Why won't John McCain support our vets like Goldsmith and sign Jim Webb's bi-partisan GI Bill?

via BraveNewFilms

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