Tuesday, May 13, 2008

David Davis: Still A Giant Douchebag

Yesterday, David "yes this is my real name" Davis took the stand in the first day of student Heather Gillman's discrimination suit. The heterosexual student accuses Ponce de Leon HS and it's principal of violating free speech by not allowing clothing with a pro-gay agenda. Davis also said that gay pride was "a disgrace to the school."

From WMBB:

Gillman made t-shirts with slogans like:
-"I support equal marriage rights"
-"I support gays"
-"Equal not special rights"

Principal Davis said the t-shirts violate the school board dress code.

He sent a letter to students saying students who wore the shirts would be asked to remove the shirts.

Those who continue to wear the shirts would be suspended for 5 days.

Repeat offenders faced 10 days suspension and recommendation for expulsion.

Monday in court, Davis said students who see the slogans and symbols would be distracted in class, even have mental images of gays having sex.

The Defense attacked Principal Davis, because he only saw one student wearing the letters GP written on their arm. The other cases were just reported by students and one teacher.

Another interesting point, Davis says clothes with the confederate flag are allowed at school. He says they haven't caused a distraction. Of the 406 students at the high school, none of them are African American.

I wonder why.

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