Monday, May 12, 2008

Selected Reading From Hillary Clinton Forum

If you think teh crazy only comes from Paultard Forums, think again.


No mother wants to see her son or daughter die or inherit an arid, hateful earth - no father either - but most mothers are ... mothers. Hillary reaches to every mother on earth and, through them, to every child and even every father. Hillary is the Mother we all wish we had: tall, strong, sweet, smart, joyful and clear.

That's a great article. Too bad it was hijacked by the Obamabots who obviously haven't been loved enough by their own mothers.

Hillary is my surrogate mother. She reminds me so much of my own mother, strong and gentle at the same time. Doing what you have to do to survive. My mother is gone for almost 4 years now, but I know in my heart she would be pleased to see the example that Hillary is setting for everyone.

Here's another thread, entitled "Changing Party Affiliation - Registering As Independent!":

Can you imagine Dean's face when the numbers start coming in... 10, 20, 30% of the party jumping ship to IND with him having no way of knowing which way we'll go? Am I off base here- are those numbers of party changes reported to the committees?

tooo tired to read it all this morning however if it says change party to independent or start new party let's do it!!!!!!! NOW!!!!

Remember Obama cheated in Texas and the party supported it. Affavits were sent documenting voter problems at caucus.

Change is an intelligent woman, not a naive man.

I am done too. Last night I decided I am finished with the Democratic Party. This is now my third Presidential election where I have been sick to my stomach. If Hillary weren't in this race I would probably be donating to the RNC by now.

No NO NO we wouldn't vote Independent- we would vote mccain- but, we are going to send the message that we have left the party at the same time they coronate obama (IF that is- but, let's be realistic- forces are at work here!)

via Hillary Clinton Forum

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