Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Selected Reading from Ron Paul Forum

It's time to see what Paultards are chattering about, when they're not playing WoW or yelling back at their moms from the basement. Today's selection comes from the thread entitled "The smear campaign worked and that's why we lost all those states":

The primary in Ct. was on Super Tuesday but I had an encounter today that crystallized the reason we lost this state and many others. I was in the school talking to the school nurse about my step son when the vice principal said something to the effect of "Ron Paul for president, huh?" and chuckled. I responded with something to the effect that the joke will be on us come November. Then he explained (after I asked) why he laughed about Ron Paul. First - "He's crazy". I said - what's crazy about the constitution? He said something to the effect of it should be amended with the times. I, of course, don't have a problem with that and told him that Ron Paul was fine with that. Why wouldn't he be? Then he mentioned the racist bullshit. I told him how the letters weren't written by Ron Paul, etc... but let's face it - the damage has been done. The media and the Republican party painted him as crazy and racist and it worked and THAT is why we lost all these states. So - congrats to the establishment for slandering one of the greatest statesmen to live in the past century. You losers.

I don't think it was the media painting L. Ron Paultard as a crazy racist.

It was more of Ron Paul being a crazy racist.

Let's put on our tin foil hats and read some replies:

As the educator he is supposed to be, you should have shamed him. Tell him to stop getting his facts from a TV. When they start laying off teachers and administrators in his district as they are doing now in our school district, make sure you let him know he blew his chance.

Do you think being an educator makes him any less of a lemming? If anything, it makes him MORE of a lemming because he works for the government. The point is - they managed to ruin the name of a truly great man and it worked. The fact that this particular gentleman is an educator is really not pertinent to the story I was imparting. This is what happened in America to people from all walks of life. They listened to the MSM and RP got railroaded.

Right. The media manufactured perception that RP was a long shot became the reality. If I ever see George Stephanopoulus's sorry mug in public I'll be hard pressed not to deck him for his 'interview' with RP when that insipid punk told RP to
his face he could not win.

I'm really gonna miss these guys :(

via RonPaulForums

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