Saturday, March 1, 2008

Dolla Dolla Bill Y'all

Sen. B. A. Barackus is spending a lot of his drug campaign money in Texas in an attempt to knock Sen. Thundercunt out of the race with a decisive victory on March 4:

Taking advantage of his financial edge, Senator Barack Obama is buying large amounts of advertising and building extensive get-out-the-vote operations in an effort to end Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton’s candidacy with twin defeats Tuesday in Ohio and Texas.

Mr. Obama, campaign officials said, has spent about $10 million on television advertising in Texas from early in February through Election Day; Mrs. Clinton has spent just less than $5 million. Mr. Obama has spent about $5.3 million for television advertising in Ohio, compared with just under $3 million for Mrs. Clinton, the officials said.

Most polls show both the Ohio and Texas races too close to call.

via NY Times and Real Clear Politics

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