Thursday, February 28, 2008

BREAKING NEWS: Candidates Debating Issues

Did you know there are other things to talk about than black babies and funny hats in this election cycle? I know, I'm shocked as well.

Yesterday, Juan McCain and Barry Hussein got in to a back and forth about the 100 year war in Iraq. It started with this from Tuesday's debate:

Then WALNUTS! hits back with this:

"When you examine that statement, it's pretty remarkable," McCain told a crowd in Tyler, Texas.

"I have some news. Al-Qaida is in Iraq. It's called `al-Qaida in Iraq,'" McCain said, drawing laughter at Obama's expense.

Obama responds later that day:

Mr. Obama, in Columbus, responded soon after. "I have some news for John McCain," Mr. Obama said at a large rally at Ohio State University. "There was no such thing as Al Qaeda in Iraq until George Bush and John McCain decided to invade Iraq."

Mr. Obama mocked his potential Republican rival as he answered Mr. McCain's charge that he lacks sufficient foreign-policy experience for the presidency.

"I've been paying attention, John McCain," Mr. Obama said, speaking to a crowd of 7,000 in the St. John Arena on the Ohio State campus. "So John McCain may like to say he wants to follow Osama bin Laden to the gates of Hell, but so far, all he's done is follow George Bush into a misguided war in Iraq."

Booooooooooring. Since when do the American people care about these so called issues?

Don't worry. I have a feeling that by the end of today, we'll be back to discussing what really matters: Terrorist middle names and sit-and-spin playtime with lobbyists.

via HuffPo

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