Saturday, March 29, 2008

Weekend Roundup

James Brian Sliter's dreams of being mayor of Touchytown, Texas came and went.

Now that Fred Thompson has stopped pretending to be POTUS, he can start pretending to be a country lawyer/DA/general. Again.

Bosnian war veteran Hillary Clinton mispoke. And then mispoke again.

What she won't mispeak about is her imaginary crazy pastor.

We should all be in Mexico for Spring Break. Looks like fun.

St. Barack is ninth cousins to Eva Braun.

Mittens is arranging many space wives for the elderly Juan McCain. Hopefully ones that don't like Vicodin.

Someone please let Cankles McGee be President of the Senate Birtday Party Planning Committee or something.

Please don't interrupt President of the Earth Gore while he masturbates to the Discovery Channel.

Please don't interrupt Millboy until he reaches 100 brush strokes.

WALNUTS! is the American President for Americans who love America and all American things.

Nigel Powers was on to something.

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