Thursday, March 27, 2008

Chelsea Clinton Drank Coffee Or Didn't While America Was Attacked

Famous Bosnian War Veteran Hillary Clinton is in trouble again for mispeaking. This time it's about where daughter Chelsea was during the attacks on 9/11:

After Sept. 11, Hillary had a problem. New Yorkers were desperately focused on their own need for protection and they were saddled with a senator who was not one of them — an Arkansan, or was it a Chicagoan?

Interviewed on the “Today Show” one week after Sept. 11, she spun an elaborate yarn. The kindest thing we could say was that it was a fantasy. Or a fabrication.

She said that Chelsea was jogging around the World Trade Center on Sept. 11 and happened to duck into a coffee shop when the airplanes hit. She said that this move saved Chelsea’s life. But Chelsea told Talk magazine that she was in a friend’s apartment four miles from ground zero when the first plane hit. Her friend called her, waking her up, and told her to turn on the TV. On television, she saw the second plane hit, disproving Hillary’s claim that “she heard the plane hit. She heard it. She did.”

So why did Hillary make up the story about Chelsea? Most likely to was because her co-senator (and implicit rival for the voters’ affection), a real New Yorker, Charles Schumer (D), spoke of his daughter, who attended Stuyvesant High School, located next to the Trade Center, being at real risk on Sept. 11. Hillary needed to make herself part of the scene.

What this story doesn't tell you is that Chelsea was actually under sniper fire and ducked into the nearest Starbucks while Barack Obama parachuted out of one of the planes right before it hit.

Atleast that's what'll be on the next Clinton ad in Pennsylvania.

via The Hill

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