Friday, March 28, 2008

Hillary's Throwing A Party And No One's Coming

Proving that Hillary is only supported by old white women, famous British sodomist Elton John is headlining a fundraiser for Sen. Thundercunt. But no one cares:

...when Elton John agreed to host a "one-night only" concert for the Senator, one would think it would be a sold out event.

Campaign aides assure ABC News that orchestra and mezzanine tickets sold out in an hour after they put the tickets online, and only a limited amount of tickets are still available.

But since the initial announcement, the Clinton camp has sent out at least eight nine reminders about the concert, raising some question as to just how available the hottest ticket in town might be.

On March 17th, Hillary Clinton supporters and donors got an email in their inboxes that said "I'm Throwing a Party." It was from Elton John. The campaign also sent out a text message announcing tickets were on sale.

That same day the campaign sent out two emails to reporters announcing the concert.

...Chelsea Clinton then followed up on March 26th with a personal email inviting guests saying, "My mom's campaign is bringing two supporters and their guests to New York on April 9 for both Elton John's one-night-only concert and the party after the concert. It's going to be a great night and a great time."

I've been through this before. We all had those kids in elementary school that no one liked, but the kid didn't know this and assumed everyone wanted to come to their shitty birthday party. Maybe it was the fat Asian or that smelly kid who was just a little too in to Stephen King books.

All I'm saying is that Elton John is a fat Asian and Hillary Clinton is a smelly creep.

I just hope my mom doesn't find out and make me go out of pity.

via ABC

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