Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Walmart Sues Brain-damaged Employee

Fropm BraveNewFilms:

Debbie Shank used to stock shelves at night for Wal-Mart so she could spend time in the afternoons with her three sons. Now she lives in a nursing home, requires around-the-clock medical care and owes Wal-Mart almost $500,000.

The story of the Shank family is heartbreaking in the sense that it could happen to anyone. Driving home one night, Debbie's car was hit by a tractor-trailier, leaving her brain-damaged and paralyzed. After collecting health insurance money for hospital bills (Debbie's policy with Wal-Mart paid for over $400,000 worth of emergency care), the Shanks sued the trucking company responsible for the accident, hoping to provide for Debbie's long term needs.

Now Wal-Mart has sued the Shanks, citing a line of fine print in Debbie's insurance policy that entitles the company to any lawsuit settlement. Wal-Mart intends to collect $470,000 from the Shanks, despite the fact that this will undoubtedly bankrupt Debbie's family.

via BraveNewFilms

1 comment:

anonymous said...

First of all why is the trucking company who "IS" the one who should be responsible NOT paying for this womans care for the rest of her life? I belive the lawyer is the one who is the BAD guy and NOT WalMart!

If WalMart does this for this family then it opens up a can of worms for law suits when they fail to do it for ALL situations!

BUT I do think WalMart could be the better "company" and sponsor a drive to collect a trust fund to help this they truly need it and since the media has blown this into a MEDIA FRENZY WalMart should protect their reputation is this instance and do something....after all THEY COULD DO SOMETHING TO HELP!