Friday, March 28, 2008

Baby Jeebus Christian/Mooslim/Space Christian Electoral SMACKDOWN 2008™ Kicks Off

Yesterday, Mittens helped the elderly Juan McCain load his wheelchair and magic adult diapers on a fancy flying machine that raised Mormon money all across Utah:

In a show of Republican unity, one-time bitter foes John McCain and Mitt Romney raised money and campaigned together Thursday for a single goal _ getting McCain elected president.

"We are united. Now our job is to energize our party," the Arizona senator said in an airport hangar, flanked by Romney and Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman Jr., an early McCain supporter. Both have been mentioned as potential vice presidential picks, and McCain praised each.

Romney lauded McCain and promised to do all he can to help, saying: "He is a man who is proven and tested" and without question the right man to be president.

...They sat next to each other and ate turkey sandwiches. They laughed and talked during the hourlong flight, and were complimentary of each other when talking to reporters traveling with McCain.

A tanned and rested Romney said it was fun to be campaigning again and nice not to feel any pressure. "I don't have to worry about goofing up," he said. He brushed aside questions about a No. 2 spot on the GOP ticket.

Shortly afterward, he confused the elderly mind of WALNUTS! and convinced him that with Space Jeebus and Baby Jeebus on their side, they would easily defeat the many pagan gods of the mooslim Barry Hussein. Mittens now has the veep slot.

via HuffPo

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