Saturday, March 15, 2008

Weekend Roundup

Hillary staffers need LifeLock.

Jesus can make the blind see, but Eliot Spitzer can make the blind Governor of New York.

Sen. Unicorn wins another state.

That above doesn't matter. Hillary is President of white people.

Sen. Thundercunt can take her job and shove it.

Oklahoma State Rep. Sally Kern loves America enough to warn us of gay terrorist infants, but hates America enough to bear one of her own. Does this make her Canadian?

My write-in candidate for November.

Baby Jeebus Christian/Mooslim/Space Christian Electoral SMACKDOWN! 2008™

By September of this year, the RNC will be putting out snuff films as campaign ads.

St. Barack of Obama is now a Christian, but only so the right can freak out about his crazy former pastor.

He answered.

John Edwards has forgotten about mills.

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