Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Thanks A Lot Al Gore

The intertubes just got a little crazier. There's this webtard with a blog called 90 Day Jane. In 90 days Jane will commit suicide. And she's going to blog about it until the deed is done:

In three months (83 days now), Jane is going to commit suicide, and meantime she'll write a daily essay with an admittedly neat look at one aspect of suicide. On Day 90 she said she wouldn't change her way of life. On Day 89 she wondered why movie suicides shave their heads. Day 88 she figured she won't pack up her belongings for her family; Day 87 was reactions-to-the-thousands-of-readers day, and on Day 86 she shopped for a suicide dress. There was video.

The version on her blog is disabled, but here's the updated video of 90 Day Jane in the changing room

Here's a nugget from Day 84:

I don't really like holidays too much. Besides the fact that they are very commercial, I hate the expectation that goes along with them. I always feel like I'm "supposed" to have a good time.

Obviously, this is the kind of attitude that got me here in the first place. I'm tired of being the sole member of my own Dateless Wonder Club. So, in the spirit of living my remaining life to the fullest, I said yes. I mean, what have I got to lose right? He seems nice, and there's a sense of perspective in the futility of a Valentine date without a future.

I just hope he's not looking for anything long-term.

Oh, Jane. You slay me.

Meanwhile this fuck is still planning on living long past teh cockaroaches. Such is life.

via Gawker and 90 Day Jane

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