Thursday, February 14, 2008

Saudis to Execute Woman for Witchcraft

Saudi Arabia, the kingdom that makes the Deep South look like Amsterdam, has sentenced a woman to death for witchcraft and performing supernatural acts. You know, the shit that our country did away with back in 1693:

The most frequent victims are women, who already suffer severe restrictions on daily life in Saudi Arabia: They cannot drive, appear before a judge without a male representative, or travel abroad without a male guardian's permission.

Witchcraft is considered an offense against Islam in the conservative kingdom.

In Falih's case, the judges relied on a coerced confession and on the statements of witnesses who said she had "bewitched" them to convict her in April 2006, according to the group.

Falih later retracted her confession in court, claiming it was extracted under duress, and said that as an illiterate woman, she did not understand the document she was forced to fingerprint.

"The fact that Saudi judges still conduct trials for unprovable crimes like 'witchcraft' underscores their inability to carry out objective criminal investigations," said Joe Stork, Middle East director at Human Rights Watch.

But that's okay. I'm sure our administration, as always, will take a strong stand against brute regimes.....



via HuffPo

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