Friday, February 1, 2008


Last night, there was a much anticipated one-on-one debate between Kenyan terrorist dude Barack Obama and Emo-Hillary. The MSM was hyping this as a contentious showdown with plenty of bloodletting that would splinter the Dem Party.

Yeh, about that:

Oh. Somewhere after the debate, Chris Matthews locked himself in a bathroom and cried like a little baby.

Listen, I don't like Senator Thundercunt. Can't stand her. But this was really nice to see:

Only one last piece of business to take care of as this cordial debate ends. Barack's got to knock down criticism of the blown-out-of-all-reasonable-proportion State of the Union snub! And so, Obama attempts courtliness, stopping to help Clinton from her chair, enjoying a friendly embrace, and then - just so that silver fox Claire McCaskill doesn't get too jealous - a few platonic pats on the back. Detente!

Barry, ever the gentleman. And this is what one HuffPo commenter had to say:

Helping Hillary or any able-bodied woman from a chair is sexist, condescending - and in this case, completely calculated. It was a reminder that she is a woman, thus inferior and weak - and she needs a big strong, superior man to help her navigate. BS! Thus was a political move and women should be offended.

I have often said that kissing and hugging the female politicians is the same thing... INAPPROPRIATE! They are supposed to be equals and shaking hands should be the rule

To which I reply....

via HuffPo

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