Tuesday, January 29, 2008

SOTU Ice Fest

photos via AP

W's last State of the Union was last night. I didn't get to watch it live, but did watch some highlights. Apparently the best parts were before Bushie started talking about the economies and scary brown people or whatever.

Above is a picture where Hillz reaches across to shake Ted Kennedy's hand, and Barry turns his back. The horror!!!

Below is a picture where, I guess, Barry is scouting the perfect place to drive a stake in her heart.


AP reports:

Rival Democrats Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama came within a foot of one another just before President Bush's State of the Union speech Monday night and managed not to acknowledge each other.

It was quite a feat, given the packed House floor, the customary bear-hugging and jostling among other members. Then a doorkeeper sat the rivals in the same row, only an aisle and four senators between them.

Sen. Edward M. Kennedy was not caught in the middle. The Democrat from the iconic political family had taken sides earlier in the day when he endorsed Obama over Clinton. Kennedy was seated beside Obama, away from Clinton.

CNN elaborates:

When Clinton straightened up, Kennedy quickly reached across Barack Obama to shake Clinton’s hand. She took it. As they spoke, Obama turned away. Then the senators seated to Obama’s right – Ben Nelson and Ken Salazar — both shook Senator Clinton’s hand and talked to her. Instead of doing the same, Obama turned to look at the back of the room. Sen. Claire McCaskill, who has also endorsed Obama and was seated next to Kennedy, reached across the Massachusetts senator — who was still talking to Clinton — and tapped Obama (still twisted toward the back of the room) on the shoulder. McCaskill engaged Obama in conversation until the moment passed.

Another interesting part:

In other handshaking news, Bush shook Obama's hand after the speech but not Clinton's.

Maybe this is why...

via AP & CNN

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