Friday, February 1, 2008

Britney Spears IS a Laughing Matter. So What?


Britney had a rough week. Boo hoo.

The only thing more tiresome than the media incessantly reminding us of the Looserana crackabortion is "someone" who needs to use the tragedy as a platform for a shitty after school special.

Scratch that. A Panama Shitty after school special. Let's read:

Remember this if you are one of those inclined to visit a web site mocking Spears’ meltdown to bet on whether she survives the year: you probably know someone who is suffering, just not so visibly, and they might not last the year either.

Look, Mike. Funny is funny. Britney Spears, one of the world's most privileged, naive, narcissistic, arrogant, useless pieces of twat is spiraling downward in a self-enduced fall from grace. It is entertaining/tragic/flawless. Stop making it a dead baby.

Oh, and isn't Cazual Conversation's motto "Your chance to comment on local politics"? It's even labeled under Local Government in the blog section of the PCNS.

So get to it. Talk about something substantive. Maybe the CHEIF OF POLICE ORGANIZING A BURGLARY or Ammendemnt 1.

Either way, Nancy Reagan and G.I. Joe pretty much caught me up on the whole drugs are bad thing, mmkay?

via PCNH

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