Saturday, October 18, 2008

Today's Godtube Moment

brickbat proudly brings you The Fischers, a family of musical homosexual puss demons from Outer space...or Nashville. I can't remember which one.

In their own words:

You don't believe in killing babies-Get Out and Vote! You don't believe in Gay marriage-Get Out and Vote! Don't like illegal immigration-Get Out and Vote! Don't like Slack politicians-Get Out and Vote! Stand up and be counted! IF YOU DON'T GET OUT AND VOTE--THE DEVIL WILL! There are supposed to be many more people in this country that believe in God than those that don't. So tell me, why are these ungodly minorities pushing us around and passing laws that are anti-Christ and anti-God? Because we don't stand up! If every single person that claims to believe in God were to get out there and vote for Godly values we wouldn't be sliding into such an ungodly mess! Stand up and be counted!!! For more info on this and other topics go to

Seriously, go check this shit out.

brickbat's fav parts here and here.

Fucking gold.

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