Friday, October 17, 2008

Jim Webb: Doing Biden's Work

Webb had some words about Bible Spice:

"Do you really think Sarah Palin is the most qualified person in the Republican Party?" Webb asked as he introduced Obama in Roanoke.

The crowd yelled "no" at the mention of her name and booed.

"I don't know how many people here like country music," Webb continued. "I like country music. There was a song about two years ago, 'I know what I was doing, but what was I was thinking?' John McCain is probably singing that song right now."

Webb moved onto the vice presidential debate. "Gov. Palin turned around and said, 'Nice to meet you, can I call you Joe?' I was thinking, Joe, what you really outta do is say, 'Yeah, you can call me whatever you want. In two months, you're gonna be calling me Mr. Vice President.'"

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