Monday, October 13, 2008

Polka? Really?


Here's an interesting item I overlooked in all the crazy RACERIOT 2008™ hooplah reported earlier.

From WaPo:

Only the polka band, which entertained the crowd before the speeches, seemed unaffected by the pervasive anger in the arena. "Ha, ha, ha, come join my happy song," sang the man with the accordion. "Clap along!" The crowd clapped. "We're going to party tonight," he crooned, "with joy and laughter, that's what we're after."

Jesus' General has been kind enough to release a new ad for Juan McCain's 100 Year Crusade Against Gay Messican Abortions™:

Dear Sen. McCain,

According to the Washington Post, the angry racial tirades you and Sarah Palin deliver at rallies are often accompanied by polka music. I like that. It's a shame you don't do more to publicize it. Maybe that's why your crowds are so much smaller than Obama's.

I'm enclosing an ad I made to help you draw better crowds to your angry racist polka fests. Please, feel free to use it.

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