Thursday, April 10, 2008

Fundies Freak Over French Fries

McDonald's has joined the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce. Among the NGLCC's agenda are the promotion of hate crimes legislation and the ENDA (Employment Non-Discrimination Act.)

Jesus huggers are freaking the fuck out.

Take this one:

In exchange for the donation, a McDonald's senior executive has been placed on the board of the pro-homosexual group. Wildmon says the chain's decision is baffling. "And this is so strange, because it's the family that McDonald's appeals to -- children's playland, you know, all the little toys, all of that," Wildmon shares. "And they are promoting a lifestyle that would utterly destroy the traditional family."

..."If a person really wants to make an impact," Wildmon encourages, "call your local McDonald's and say, 'As long as you are members of the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce, I'm going to have to seriously consider whether or not I'm going to continue to come to your restaurant and bring my family to your restaurant.'"

Or this one:

Not today, in light of reports that McDonald's has decided, apparently, to declare war on my family. And to declare war on the civilization of liberty, independence, creativity, and humanity under God that my Dad fought for in World War II.

...A hamburger's worth giving up and giving in to all that?


McDonald's is now on trial.

The fries are good. Even great. But the worldview they support isn't fit for human consumption.

Maybe we'll stop by Chick-Fil-A instead. It's a little out of the way, but I hear they like families.

See, gays?

Why do you hate America?

via Sully

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