Friday, April 11, 2008

Hill To Bill: STFU

Hey, remember that whole Clinton Bosnia lie thingy? Just when Cankles thought the story was about to die (just like she almost did via sniper fire), devoted husband and Ametuer Gynecologist Bill brings it back up.

He defends her "mis-speaking" by saying that she's getting old and it was late at night when she said it, so you gotta cut her a break:

Clinton told reporters in Indiana Friday, "Hillary called me and said 'You don't remember this. You weren't there, let me handle it.' I said, 'Yes ma'am.'"

..."Now I say that because what really has mattered is that, even then, she was interested in our troops. And I think she was the first first lady since Eleanor Roosevelt to go into a combat zone. And you woulda thought, you know, that she'd robbed a bank the way they carried on about this. And some of them, when they're 60, they'll forget something when they're tired at 11 at night, too.”

Except for the fact that it wasn't late at night. It was in the morning.

Oh, and it was still a lie. A lie she told about five times or so.

via Ben Smith / Politico

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