Friday, March 21, 2008

"It is now time for a new generation of leadership"

From HuffPo:

"There is no doubt in my mind that Barack Obama has the judgment and courage we need in a commander in chief when our nation's security is on the line," Richardson said. "He showed this judgment by opposing the Iraq war from the start, and he has shown it during this campaign by standing up for a new era in American leadership internationally."

Obama embraced the endorsement of an accomplished figure on the world stage who "understands the importance of restoring diplomacy as a central part of our national security strategy."

Both men have proposed negotiating with enemies as well as friends, while Clinton has emphasized the need to press for changes in repressive or hostile regimes before engaging with them at the presidential level.

But there were also personal aspects to Richardson's swing behind Obama. He noted that both are the sons of one foreign-born parent _ Obama's father was from Kenya, Richardson's mother was from Mexico.

And Richardson told of the time, during one of the many Democratic debates, when his attention wandered and he didn't hear the question that came at him. Obama, then his rival, bailed him out by whispering to him that it was about Hurricane Katrina.

"He could have thrown me under the bus," Richardson cracked, "but he stood behind me."

The predictable Clintonian response:

Former Democratic presidential candidate and New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson finally made up his mind and endorsed Sen. Barack Obama today, but a senior advisor to Sen. Hillary Clinton's campaign--which likewise spent months courting the governor's nod--dismissed its significance.

"Look, I think that everyone has their endorsers," said senior Clinton strategist Mark Penn, adding-with a little huff-"I think New Mexico is a state that actually, we won."

"The time that he could have been effective has long since passed," he continued, "I don't think it is a significant endorsement in this environment."

via HuffPo

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