Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Where We Are Now

From Marc Ambinder:

Tuesday night, Barack Obama credibly established his claim to be a national candidate

Hillary Clinton won the votes of more Democrats than Barack Obama did. She won the votes of enough “red” states to temper, at least for now, the idea that Democrats in those states believe she is manifestly unelectable and would drag the party down in their states.

Over the next two weeks, the caucus and primaries ahead are better for Obama than for Clinton, and he should close the delegate map a little. Or maybe a lot: he tends to win the states in which he competes and Clinton does not by a large margin. Obama has been on the air in all nine states… Clinton is not… and the big reason is money: Obama has money in the bank, and Clinton is having trouble staying in the black.

And the GOP?

John McCain is well on his way to the nomination.

via Marc Ambinder

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