Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Help Obama Family Adopt A Hobo AIDS Dog


Hey, remember that video where St. Barack of Obama pimped out his Mooslim family for an interview where they discussed getting a dog?

Now there's a site called Obama Family Dog that wants the First Family to adopt one of those horrible kennel dogs that have various assortments of fleas, manges, and gonorrheas:

If Sen. Barack Obama becomes president, he'll instantly be faced with decisions that will affect millions of Americans. Obama will also soon be making a decision that could affect millions of American dogs. It has been reported that once the election is over, the Obamas will be looking for a new four-legged family member (much to his daughters' delight).

The American Kennel Club (AKC) has suggested five types of purebred dogs that would fit the Obamas' lifestyle. While we don't disagree that it's important to choose a dog that matches well with the family, mixed breeds should certainly be considered along with pure breeds. Also, whether purebred or mutt, we believe the Obamas should make a winning choice and adopt a family dog, not buy one.

Sign the petition, unless you want the terrorists to win. It's your duty as an American.

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