Thursday, April 3, 2008

Mexico Bill Saga Continues

Yesterday, we reported a story describing Bubba yelling at a room full of superdelegates about Bill Richardson being a Judas. Today, there are a few more details...atleast from the Clinton perspective:

While lobbying for his endorsement, Hillary Rodham Clinton flatly told New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson that Barack Obama could not win the presidency if he got the Democratic nomination.

"He cannot win, Bill. He cannot win," she said, according to a report by ABC News.

Despite her appeal, Richardson ultimately endorsed Obama - which sent Bill Clinton into a purple rage last weekend during a private meeting with California superdelegates.

"Five times to my face [Richardson] said that he would never do that," the former president thundered.

Funny thing.....Mexico Bill didn't promise Clinton, Inc. jack shit:

"I never did," Richardson told CNN. "I never saw [President Clinton] five times. I saw him when he watched the Super Bowl with me. We made it very clear to him that he shouldn't expect an endorsement after that meeting."

...In the interview Wednesday, Richardson acknowledged he was "very close to endorsing" Clinton, but decided not to after the campaign got "nasty."

"I held back. I waited. I felt the campaign got nasty. I heard Senator Obama; he would talk to me continuously," Richardson said.

"The Clintons should get over this," he added.

via NY Post / CNN

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