Sunday, March 8, 2009

Local Moron Mentioned On Famous Moron's Show

Jesus jump roping Christ.

In short:

A man who flies a Confederate flag on property he owns on Beal Parkway added two large signs Wednesday to express his feelings about President Barack Obama.

"January 20, 2009, A Day of Darkness, Hussen (sic)" is written on both signs, which are each about the size of a dinner table.

...Property owner Larry Ford said he put up the signs to share his opinion of Obama, who he refers to as "Hussein."

"We've got a man who shouldn't even be president," Ford said when reached by phone Thursday. "He's an insult to the decent, hard-working people that made this country what it is."

By Thursday night, Ford was featured on MSNBC's Countdown with Keith Olbermann as the worst person in the world.

Ford said the feedback he'd gotten in the first 24 hours was positive, but he realized there would be those who disagreed with him.

An active-duty military woman who wrote to the Daily News agreed that the property owner had a constitutional right to express his opinion, but said she was upset that the president's middle name is misspelled.

When that was pointed out to Ford, he wasn't concerned.

"I think everybody knows who I'm talking about, don't you?" he said. "American people are the stupidest people in the world, but something like that I think they can figure out."

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