Friday, March 13, 2009

The Fuck Did You Just Say To Me?

Rachel Maddow


Here's an interview with Rachel Maddow by George Wayne (DISCLAIMER: THIS GUY IS FUCKING CREEPY) of Vanity Fair:

Anyway, Miss “Cable Queen,” as Vogue calls you, do you suffer from any paraphilia?

Listen to this saucy pedant. Paraphilia is having a rare erotic fetish. Perhaps you may indulge in eproctophilia?

Darling! Eproctophiliacs are those sexually turned on by farts and farting!
That word actually exists?

It is the current rage of Mayfair high society in jolly, kinky London. G.W. will admit to his Caesarophilia—erotic fascination with royalty. Especially that redhead Prince Harry. G.W. has been fantasizing more than ever of tossing that royal salad. I would floss every strand of that red burr to perfection!
He did just break up with his girlfriend.

Exactly. Prince Harry is single and now ready for his bi-flingual.
He’s getting a little tummy.

At least he’s not losing all his hair like William. By the way, before your Peacock Network makeover, didn’t you have a dyke-stache?
A what?

Facial hair over your lip—a dyke-stache.
I never had any facial hair in my life.

Thank you for that clarification, darling. And thank you for such a wonderful meeting!

via HuffBlow

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