Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Tennessee Townhall Showdown 2008

Glitter Graphics

WHO is Barack Obama?

Did WALNUTS! take his meds?

Will Brokaw kick in my Valium and cause me to fall asleep in about 15 mins?

Let's find out:

8:03 They're sitting at stupid tiny desks. hahahahahaha

8:04 Kojak wants to know the most fastest way out of being a nation of poors. Crack, Kojack. Start selling crack.

8:05 Obama has steps. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Also, he said crack, so that supports my economic plan.

8:06 WALNUTS! is wandering around the stage and has no idea where he is.

8:07 Stop sending gas money to Barry Hussein's terrorist friends in Hollywood.

8:08 Brokaw's gravitias is uppity.

8:08 Cotton bombs with an insult/joke about Brokaw.

8:09 John McCain's plan to save your savings: Sell everything you own on eBay.

8:10 Barack Obama hearts Warren Buffet.

8:11 Brokaw: "Stay on the fucking topic, morons."

8:11 OMG, a black man. He must be totally in the tank for Barry.

8:12 McCain: "Thanks, boy...but it's not a bailout. I'm not sure what it is, but I'll have to get you back to on that one (wink) Also, you have no idea who Freddie and Fannie are, because of your tiny negro brian and all."

Oh yeh, you can watch this here.

8:14 Obama gives the black man a terrorist fist bump.

8:16 Brokaw: "Mr. Hussein, will we all be hobos?"

8:17 Obama: "Not if you elect someone with a fucking clue."

8:18 McCain: "Mexicans are the best workers in the world. I should know. I own 7."

8:19 Some crazy lady asks how we can trust either one of these guys.

8:19 Barry: "Stopping going out to eat so much and you can save money, you fat sow."

8:21 McCain is a reformer, which is way uncooler than a Transformer. Those bitches have missiles and shit.


8:23 McCain is out in the audience like it's fucking Ellen.

8:23 I think he may be looking for the exit.

8:24 McCain is stumped by health. Hmm.

8:26 Some lady just rolled her eyes at St. Barack. Why does she hate black people?

8:27 Barack Obama keeps talking about the moon, which reminds me of this...

Barack Obama:  2nd Grade.

8:30 I've stopped paying attention to that old man. Go read this, which explains the above.

8:31 Barack Obama just mentioned 9/11 before Generalissimo John McCunt. Did that just happen?

8:35 WALNUTS! just mentioned jello. Heh.

8:37 Brokaw is racist.

8:38 Also, he hates old people and their social security cheese.

8:40 McCain: "Ronald Reagan mumble mumble my own friends hate me."

8:43 Some black lady asks McCain about the trees. Who let all these black people in here?

8:46 Obama totally disses Bill Gates and Steve Jobs.

8:47 Brokaw: "Please pay attention to me. Noone does. Noone ever does :("

8:49 Some white lady asks some dull healthcare question. Where is the fun stuff? For real. How about some Keating? How about some William Ayres shit?

8:53 We should be able to go across state lines to buy healthcare....and pills for your wife.

8:57 Barry: "John McCain will smother your children with asthma."

8:59 Barry sips some gin and juice.

9:02 Barry says 9/11 again. Also, McCain is a cheerleader.

9:02 - 9:11 (snicker) Let's blow up Pakistanistans and all brown people.

9:13 Barack Obama says McCain says he says that Barack Obama is green behind the ears. This is not true. He is black behind the ears. Also, John McCain is crazy, if you didn't know.

9:15 Cotton McCain

McCain: "Veterans something bomb something jello Maverick."

9:18 Are they even taking questions from the cyborgs in the audience? Holograms. Def holograms. Someone call Sarah Connor.

9:21 McCain saw some letters that spelled Putin's name in his Alhpa-Bits.

9:22 Obama: "If Russia wants to buy land, let them. The US has seen how that goes down."

9:25 Another bald guy: "Do you like Israel or LOVE Irael? Check yes or know."

9:26 McCain LOVES Israel enough to blow Lieberman on live teevee. Barack Obama has a swastika tattoo on his left buttock.

9:29 Obama wants one of those cool red Batman phones so he can chat with the Devil at 3am.

President Obama

9:31 Barry talks about skrimps and food stamps.

9:33 John McCain does not know how to use an elevator.

9:33 Also, he was tortured.

9:34 WHAT THE FUCK IS A TILLER, MR. BURNS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

9:35 Cindy McCain is really doped up. Someone get her a guide dog.

9:36 I shouldn't be seeing Mrs. Islam's zipper. That's not change we can believe in. If you wanna be Jackie O, get a fucking designer.


Unknown said...

Wow! You type fast!

Unknown said...

We could sacrifice some virgin moon babies! That should save a few bucks.

Unknown said...

This Ronald Reagan worship is on the verge of becoming idolatrous! Fuck Reagan! Vote insane! Vote McCain!

Unknown said...

Wow! Where did they get all these black people in Nashville? Are they being bussed in or something?

Unknown said...

You better be readin' my f*#kin' comments, boy!

Unknown said...

Also, why does your time show up as CST? Did you move to Alabama or something?

brickbat said...

holy shit. i didnt think anyone was reading this. and yes, they brought black people in on a bus....from atlanta.

Unknown said...

Kill Bin Laden! Wait a sec... McCain knew Teddy Roosevelt? He's older than I thought he was!

brickbat said...

and yes, this is cst. i live in florida, but the horrible racist anti-faggotry part of florida, under alabama. so, yes, i might as well live in alabama.


Unknown said...

I thought you were going to move to GA. Wait a sec... I've just become Joe No-Pack! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

Unknown said...

There will be no new Cold War... BTW, Putin is a bastard and I want to spank him!

brickbat said...

as long as you don't start screaming "kill him", i think we're good.

also, for the moving thing, watch CNBC. it's all about possum and ramen these days.

brickbat said...

"Ronald Reagan." Take a shot/toke.

Unknown said...

Let me kiss your ass Petty Officer. Bomb Iran, bomb bomb Iran! Obama hates Jews!

Unknown said...

Found a bottle of Makers! All is well again.

brickbat said...

matthews just got done pretty much calling mccain a fucking crazy.