Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Greatest Story Of The Day

Roberta McCain's avatar

WALNUTS! had another one of those awful townhall meetings where he stutters through the prepared remarks and poses for that creepy grin alot.

It was pretty boring until some crazy old lady bitter told McCain that his staffers suck and his campaign is pretty much some glorified donkey show:

It was a statement that a McCain town-hall participant said would land her on the campaign's "s**t list."

Addressing the Republican presidential candidate during his town-hall forum in New Hampshire Tuesday, a woman identified herself as a volunteer for his campaign, and said she had come to believe it was time McCain hires a new staff in the state.

"You've got to make some changes," the woman told McCain. "I've had problems with a lot of your paid staff."

The volunteers had put up all the signs ahead of the town hall event, she complained. "You've got two people sitting right here next to me…They have done more work for you volunteering than a lot of your paid staff have. All your signs that are up outside today, they were put up by us, not by your staff people.”

McCain, whose campaign has battled charges of incompetence — even from some within his own party — joked, "A lot of our paid staff, a lot of them are on work release programs as you know."

This is why B.A. Barackus should def meet John McCain at 1000 of these events before the election. While WALNUTS!'s supporters (or "cunts" as they are called by the campaign) will throw chairs at random 20yo interns, Hopetards will fight each other over the honor of sucking The Messiah's balls.

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