Saturday, May 3, 2008

Weekend Roundup

Barack Hussein bin Laden Stalin Obama hates your freedoms and your flag lapel pins and Travis Childers said nothing.

Another ad proved the above, but this time it had Speaker Sodom and exposed her lesbian haircut's gay liberal terrorist radical agenda.

We all threw the HRC under the bus this week and it was fun. Let's do it again sometime.

We started feeling sorry for Clay Aiken, then stopped because his haircut makes us want to punch a baby.

That lady who bossed around whores for a living was thrown under Dick Cheney's Segway.

Rev. Wright goddamned Hopey, which is still not enough for Cankles to go to his Mooslimy church.

Thundercunt cannot use a coffeecappuccino machine. She also cannot beat Hopey.

Juan McCain cannot remember his talking points and cannot remember any of his birthdays because there have been more than 500,000 of them.

Mickey Kantor hates Indiana, but maybe not. What we do know is that James Carville looked like a breakdancing cancer patient in the early 90's.

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