Thursday, May 22, 2008

Selling Arms to Iran = “Neat”

From BraveNewFilms:

FOX contributor Oliver North was on Hannity & Colmes to discuss whether George W. Bush was right when he took a shot at Barack Obama, comparing Obama to Nazi appeaser Neville Chamberlain for wanting to have diplomatic talks with Iran. North, who, as you may recall, actually sold weapons to Iran during the Iran-Contra affair and lied to Congress about it, said this:

As you know, I’m the history guy at Fox News Channel, right? I’ve done this WWII series – 52 of our episodes about WWII. Had it not been for Chamberlain going to sit down with Adolf Hitler and try to cut a deal in Munich, WWII might never have happened, but it emboldened the dictator. That’s what the President said yesterday in Jerusalem. And a little reminder today, a shot across the bow here at the NRA, when John McCain got up and said, ‘You cannot have these kinds of unconditional, no preconditions discussions, with despots and dictators’ - dead on the mark.

After the Iran-Contra scandal was exposed, North admitted that he’d lied to Congress and that he thought selling weapons to Iran during the Iran-Iraq war (while the US was supporting Iraq and Saddam Hussein) to provide money for the Contras was a “neat idea”.

To recap — talking to Iran = Nazi appeasement. Defying Congress to sell arms to Iran = “neat” idea. And for that, North was aptly named May 19th's Worst Person in the World.

I think the video above from American Dad says it all. And here's more of why the Neville Chamberlain analogy is utter bullshit.

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