Thursday, May 22, 2008

Michelle Malkin Is Losing It

This time, the celestial succubus is picking apart the new Indy movie for it's liberal elitist message.

From Michelle Malkin:

So the men are similar, yes. But as shown by the horrific judgment that follows—manifested through the faux-priesthood of Belloq who opens the Ark—they are not equivalent. Jones realizes at the last minute that he is participating in a desecration, not a scientific exploration, and wills himself (and Marion) to look away.

Meanwhile Belloq, remember, does more than just crowbar the top off the Ark. All duded up in Old Testament priestly vestments, he overrides the (well-placed, in retrospect) objections of head Nazi Dietrich to a Jewish ritual and stares down directly into the depths (…the abyss looks back…) of the opened Ark. Remember earlier that Belloq had described the Ark as a “transmitter” for talking to God. He wants to look upon God’s face, which is something he (and Indy) know is forbidden.

…your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods…(Gen. 3:5)

And because of his hubris, he becomes literally the transmitter of God’s wrath into the ranks of Nazis.

Among many implausibilities and plot holes in Raiders (Matus notes Indy’s transoceanic submarine rodeo) it’s easy to overlook the odd fact that Indy knows, instinctively, something the Nazis don’t: not to look on the spirits that come out of the Ark. He realized this with enough certainty to warn Marian about it. But this isn’t a continuity error–it’s the critical realization of the film.

How did he know to do that? It’s not part of the Ark lore. And it’s not even necessary to the plot. The movie would have made sense without that line, had the Ark merely autoclaved Belloq and the Nazis and spared Indy and Marion because of their innate goodness.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

More like a celestial cherubin.