Tuesday, May 12, 2009

This Kid Is Just A Giant Douche


It's just been a matter of time.

The above video comes from a twinkbot waste of oxygen named Connor Jon, girlfriend of known Paultard and famed lesbian, Gay God....also known as Matthew Lush. The two place have a live-stream web show thingy where they cut out paper hearts, talk live to lonely fat girls, and post pointless videos such as this:

While Lush is an internet hemorrhoid unto himself, it's Connor that we would really like to see waterboarded.

Just because a bunch of bored, obese cutters tune in to your show or watch your Youtube vidjas, an internet star you are not.

Everytime you watch a Connor Jon or Gay God upload, a MrChiCity3, or Sara, or Jon Roberts gets an internet virus.

Stop watching this shit. Foreals.

The only thing ConnorJon is good for was this video:

Other than that, eat a bag of dicks.

via the Youtubes

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