Tuesday, September 30, 2008

FINALLY: Someone To Blame This Financial Mess On

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Dead babies....aborted babies and their killers and/or eaters. Also, the Mexicans.

Waldo Lydecker picks up on a crazy story:

Remember in Philadelphia, how Denzel Washington's character asks people telling him complicated things to "explain it to me like I'm a six year-old"?

Thank goodness Harare Grocery has laid bare the real cause of America's financial meltdown. The headline says it all- "

Why Abortion is a Cause of the Financial Mess (by way of Illegal Immigration)

Let's read, shall we?


Something struck me at breakfast this morning, an awful (and frankly, a little strange) realization that I think has been overlooked in the bailout debate.

One of the root causes of the financial mess we’re in is the holocaust of abortion.

Follow the logic here…

In the thirty five years since Roe v. Wade, 48.5 million babies have been killed (legally) in the United States. That’s 48 million people under the age of 35 that we’re missing as a nation - about 20 million of which would now be in the workforce.

In 1973, according to the US government, the estimated number of illegal immigrants in the United States was at 4 million people. In the intervening thirty-five years, those same years since Roe, that number has quintupled to (you guessed it) around 20 million. To replace the population, especially the workforce population, that had been lost by abortion, businesses turned to an underground market of illegal immigrant labor.

...Those same rule changes allowed no down payment mortgages up to 125% of the value of the house – which encouraged fraud among the illegal immigrant population.

Imagine the fraud possibility – you use the fraudulent documents that allowed you to steal someone else’s identity to also get a mortgage, for 125% of the value of a home, pocket the extra 25% in cash, live in the house for a year, don’t make payments, leave to go work somewhere else and let the bank foreclose. And because you’re on a stolen identity, no one can track you down.


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