Wednesday, December 12, 2007

And what kinda underwear do YOU sport, Huck?

In an article appearing in Sunday's NYT, AIDS-free presidential candidate Mike Huckabee asks "Don't Mormons believe that Jesus and the devil are brothers?"

[Huckabee questions Mormons' beliefs]

Huck is right. But fellow candidate Mittens is pretty damned pissed. He vents on The Today Show, saying Huckabee "Is really going too far."

Hmm. I would think that going too far is wearing magic underwear, believing Jesus chilled with Native Americans, Jesus is coming back to Missouri, and you can pull the word of God out of a hat.

But, hey. That's just me.

1 comment:

bhardy said...

All right. I agree with the underwear thing and Jesus hanging out with native Americans...its just too bizarre. And what about Jesus coming back to...Missouri? Come on. He would come to Florida. Everyone knows that.
I have to say, though, that this whole dialog smacks of a religious test that just should not exist, even if it does provide grist for our humor mills. What I want to know about this country is this: Can a Buddhist be elected President of the United States? What about a Hindu? An Islamist? An athiest? How about this: An honest-to-God Holy man? No to all the above, right?
Personally, I'm not comfortable with the faith of either of these men because I'm not comfortable with the hicks I rub bellies with every week in the Wal-Mart. They all believe in magic. They have too much confidence in their own divinity. They, none of them, see Christ in their neighbors...and yet no one asks them about that.