Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Checkin' In With Chuck

Looke everybody! Chuck Norris has written another Jesus infomercial for the Mexican snuff webpamphlet WorldNetDaily. This time, it's about how much our Muslin Kraken POTUS hates all things Baby Jeebus. Let's check it out!!!!!:

Obama has been in office 100 days, and last week U.S. News & World Report commemorated the occasion by documenting what it considers to be his "Ten most important Obama faith moments."

Without defining what "most important" and "faith moment" mean, U.S. News & World Report clearly shows its thesis and thrust in the column with this sentence: "Barack Obama has embraced faith in a more visible way than any other president in recent memory."

With a statement like that, the top 10 list must be rock-solid faith stimulators, right? You decide. Here is its list of 10 and my thoughts on each.

1. Rick Warren's Inauguration Day invocation

Despite what you think of Pastor Warren, his participation in Obama's inauguration was a gutsy move for any left-leaning president. I'll grant Obama and U.S. News & World Report that inclusion as a definite significant "faith moment," though maybe (as I've already discussed in a previous column) not for all the right reasons.

2. Granting first TV interview to Arabic Language Network

I would call that more of a "diplomatic moment" than a "faith moment," despite that a majority of the Arab world is Muslim. Obama has stated, "My job to the Muslim world is to communicate that the Americans are not your enemy." But is that his exclusive message? Is that the message he wants to send to our enemies?

3. Reversing Mexico City Policy on family planning providers abroad

Since when is subsidizing other nations with federal funds to provide more abortions a "faith moment"? That is one of the most ridiculous additions of the bunch, second to No. 7 or No. 8. If U.S. News & World Report regards increasing international abortions among its "faith moments," then it has overlooked another half dozen pro-choice decisions Obama's administration has made, like several key appointments of pro-choice leaders.

...7. Joe Biden's receiving ashes on Ash Wednesday

With all respect to Biden, to think that the vice president's participation in Lenten church services is classified among the 10 most important faith moments of Barack Obama borders on comical.

...8. Lifting restrictions on federally funded embryonic stem cell research

Like No. 3 on expanding international abortions, to include the lifting of restrictions for federally funded embryonic stem cell research among Obama's top 10 "most important faith moments" is ludicrous. Obama himself said, "As a person of faith, I believe we are called to care for each other and work to ease human suffering." Apparently that doesn't apply to life in the womb.

...If my math is correct regarding the U.S. News & World Report column, the preceding "10 most important Obama faith moments" include: 1) Two encouraging Muslim relations and religion around the world, 2) two extending and increasing terminations of human life in the womb, 3) one non-religious speaking engagement at a university, 4) two acts promoting community development, 5) seven events that included invocations, 5) and one about the sight of religious soot on the forehead of the vice president.

Makes me wonder what U.S. News & World Report means by "most important" and "faith moment." "Most important" for whom? U.S. News & World Report? The Left? And what does "faith moment" mean? "Religious moment"? "Secular moment"? "Muslim moment"?

How did this guy qualify as a "writer", again?

via WND

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