Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Why Her Name Isn't Sarah Pale-in

Alaskan Governor's Mansion

brickbat really can't stand.........nah........despises the endangered Alaskan Snowcunt, but this story is kinda getting blown out of proportion:

Sarah Palin brought one unusual accessory to the Alaska Governor's mansion after moving in last year: A tanning bed.

Al Giordano's NarcoNews first reported that Palin had the apparatus installed in the mansion in Juneau, and a spokesman for the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, Roger Wetherell, confirmed the account to Politico.

"She paid for it with her own money," Wetherell said in an email.

It does get awful dark up there in Alaska, but health authorities like the American Cancer Society generally frown on tanning beds as cancer risks.

The McCain-Palin campaign didn't have an immediate comment on the purchase.

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