Monday, February 2, 2009

Wheel Of Fierce

A homosexual appeared on an old game show my grandmother watches before she has a dementia blackout face first in to her lime jello.

This is a big deal now because he acknowledged his fiancé, which is a fake term sodomists use to refer to thier heathen partners-in-sin.

From Fey:

Yay! Gay!

Everybody (like, two people) is making a big deal about how this gay dude won on Wheel of Fortune last week, and how he thanked his male fiancee, and even got to give said fiancee a timid little on-air hug after his victory.

But seriously, is proving to flyover America that we KNOW HOW TO SPIN WHEELS and KNOW HOW TO SPELL such an acheivement?* I'd be much prouder if one of our kind won on a DIFFICULT game show, like Jeopardy, or a glacially-paced primetime show like Deal or No Deal, where the flaming gaytestant would be given an extended period of time to rub their unsettling feyness in America's Doritos-dusted eyeholes.

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