Monday, December 15, 2008

Good News: Our Ancestors Never Fucked Neanderthals

What's your excuse?

Here's some sciency stuff:

If ancient homo sapiens got it on with their Neanderthal cousins, there were no children to show for it. Researchers studying Neanderthal DNA have sequenced half of the Neanderthal genome, and shoot down the theory that European humans interbred with the now-extinct species. And the team says the genome has other things to teach us about Neanderthal life, including their sexual proclivities.

...Earlier comparisons of mitochondrial similarly cast doubt on the Neanderthal interbreeding theory, but recent research has revealed that Neanderthals do not possess the very genes some researchers believed modern humans had received from Neanderthals. Neanderthals possess neither the microcephalin gene, linked to bulging brains in humans, nor humans’ increased fertility gene.

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