Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Day Gay People Did Stuff

Sodomists united today and held protests across the country. LA alone reported between 12 and 10k.

Sully's been keeping up with the action, with plenty of local reports.

Take this one from Tally:

A reader writes:

Just came from the protest in Tallahassee, where folks marched from the Westcott fountain in front of Florida State University through downtown Tallahassee to the old state capitol building. One official estimated the marching group at 350, which is pretty good for an uncharacteristically chilly day in FL. The state capitol sits at the intersection of two main streets in Tallahassee and as pastors and community leaders spoke from the capitol steps, marchers stood along the street with signs, enjoying the encouragement, cheers and honks of cars passing by. One elderly African-American man stood amid the protesters holding up a sign that read "Same Sex Marriage: Evil, Unholy," but he was the only counter-protester present.

Oh, and Wanda Sykes came out.

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