Thursday, June 19, 2008

Insane Press Conference Ends With Tard's Arrest

Remember Larry Sinclair? The guy who blew St. Barack in a limo after they killed a bunch of preachers with cocaine? Yeh, that one.

He held his crazy press conference yesterday:

...And pay Sinclair did -- for the venue and its microphone, as well as for a kilted lawyer (with a suspended license) named Montgomery Blair Sibley, who informed those assembled that his preferences in dress were arrived at as a way to secure comfort for his unusually large sexual organs. "I don't know why men wear pants," he said with a poker face. "It's a function of male genitalia. If you're size normal or smaller, you're probably comfortable with [pants]. ... Those at the other end of the spectrum find them quite confining."

"I asked him to wear a suit and tie," Mr. Sinclair said ruefully. Then, he admitted to suffering from a brain tumor.

Only slightly less mystifying were the several dozen assembled journalists who seemed to grant Mr. Sinclair some modicum of respect with their questions. They cross-examined his statement regarding his supposed meetings with the Illinois Democrat with a vigor and small-bore attention to detail that prosecutors reserve strictly for witnesses who are sane. Imagine if you were to encounter someone who had lit himself on fire, and then proceeded to ask which brand of gasoline he favored.

Shortly after this event, he was arrested:

A footnote to the story of Larry Sinclair, the gadfly whose long criminal record I wrote about this morning: He was arrested by Washington, D.C., police after his press conference there today, two officials at D.C.'s First District station confirmed to Politico.

Sinclair is wanted in Colorado on theft and forgery charges, but police officials I spoke to wouldn't discuss the charges. Reason's David Weigel first reported the arrest.

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